Volunteer Shop Assistant

Volunteer Role Title:        Volunteer Shop Assistant                                Responsible to:                Shop Manager           Vision and Mission:COPE Galway is a local charity that has been providing social services in Galway since the 1970s. We offer support services for individuals and families who are affected homelessness, women and children experiencing domestic abuse and older people in the community.Our vision is of a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. Our mission is to make a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. We believe communities have a very important role in assisting us with our mission. Volunteering is one very important way in which our community can help us in our work. Service description: The COPE Galway Charity Shop is run by a paid manager and a team of around twentyvolunteers who kindly donate their time and effort.The shop sells donated ladies’, men’s and children’s clothes, accessories and jewellery,books, CDs/DVDs and small bric-a-brac. The shop is a vital source of revenue for our services. Volunteer Role description: To work with Shop Manager and other volunteers to ensure the smooth running of the COPE Galway Charity Shop Key Responsibilities:Customer serviceAmbassador for COPE Galway to the publicUse of till, cashing up, and checking floats and accounting for moniesPresentation of clothes, maintaining order in displays in the shopVigilance in the shop for security against shoplifting Location: Augustine Street, Galway Time commitment:  Monday - SaturdayMorning10am-1.50pmAfternoon 2pm-5.30pm                              Minimum commitment: 1 shift per week as required Person specification: Friendly manner and good with customers An understanding of English and good communicatorInterest or knowledge about any of the things the shop sells is an advantageReliable and punctualNon-judgemental/accepting attitudeKnowledgeable about COPE GalwayThe duties outlined in this job description may be subject to review in the future. Level of English required: IntermediateInduction and Training:The volunteer will receive induction training prior to starting the role.Volunteer will be supervised by the Manger/Designated Person Training will be provided that is deemed appropriate for the role.Support and Guidance: Volunteer will be supervised by the Manger/Designated Person.Benefits:The opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of the clients who use our ServicesThe opportunity to gain practical experience in this volunteer roleThe opportunity to contribute to a local Galway charity and help us in our work Expectations:The volunteer agrees to fulfil the role as outlined in the volunteer role description The volunteers agrees to abide by Cope Galway’s Policies and ProceduresThe volunteer will abide by COPE Galway’s Confidentiality Statement Recruitment process:Screening Once application form is received and the applicant is considered a suitable match for a particular volunteer role, the applicant will be invited to an Interview Interview in relevant serviceSuccessful applicants will be offered the volunteer role subject to:      2 Reference Checks (one of whom must be resident in Ireland) Providing 1 item of photographic identificationInduction and Orientation prior to commencementVolunteers commencing with COPE Galway subject to trial period

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