Volunteer Kitchen Assistant

Volunteer with us....To assist in our Community Catering kitchen in preparing delicious, nutritious meals for delivery.Location: Unit 5 Ballybane Industrial Estate, Galway H91 Y7R9Time: Wednesday 11am-4pm or Sunday 8am -12:30pm Commitment: Minimum 6 monthsResponsible to: Hiring managerLevel of English required: Intermediate Our VisionA community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life.We work to achieve this vision by providing essential supports for people at challenging times in their lives and by advocating for systemic change to remove the root causes of inequality and disadvantage that constrain the well-being and development of individuals, families and communities.Our MissionMaking a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities.We understand, respect and respond to the needs of those who struggle with the challenges of homelessness and domestic abuse, and we support older people towards healthy and active ageing.  Service DescriptionCOPE Galway Community Catering Service delivers nutritious meals to the homes of older people, housebound/disabled people or those unable to prepare a meal for themselves. The service provides approximately 200 meals daily, which are delivered by a team of volunteer drivers. What's involved?•      Assist the chef in preparation, cooking, packing, labelling and storage of meals for delivery•      Assisting with cleaning & wash up of all food preparation areas.•      Ensure that all referrals, queries and comments, suggestions or feedback regarding our meals service are appropriately forwarded to the chef or co-ordinator.Person Specification•      To ensure recipients of Meals and all staff and volunteers are treated with dignity and respect at all times•      Be capable of working on own initiative and be organised in one’s approach to work•      Enthusiastic, approachable, communicative and flexible•      Ability to work as part of a team•      Have an appreciation and empathy for the needs of the clients•      A willingness to undertake training as required•      Respect protective clothing and equipment provided for securing the safety, health or welfare of persons arising out of work activities•      Report to management, without delay, any defects in the workplace, plant, equipment or systems of work, which may lead to danger•      Ensure that you regularly review and proactively inform yourself of all health and safety and fire safety procedures on an ongoing basis•      Be proactive in the area of self-care with regard to identifying any impacts of the work•      Maintain absolute confidentiality regarding all matters relating to the activities, employees and clients of Cope Galway What will you get out of it?•      Great personal satisfaction since you can make a real difference to our service users.•      The opportunity to develop knowledge and gain practical experience relative to this role.•      Gain communication skills.•      Join a fun welcoming team.•      Meet and work with new people.•      Build confidence.•      Add valuable experience to your CV.•      The option to access other training courses as appropriate to the role.•      The opportunity to contribute to a local Galway charity and help us realise our vision of creating a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life.What we would like from you·       Willingness to work within the values and policies of COPE Galway.·       The volunteer conducts him/herself in a professional manner and maintains a respectful and courteous manner in dealing with clients.·       The volunteer will maintain confidentiality in respect of all matters which come to their knowledge while volunteering.·       Volunteers should not undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with their Volunteer Supervisor. ·       Volunteers should adhere to the “Volunteer Agreement” which includes their rights and responsibilities as outlined in our Volunteer HandbookWill there be induction and training? You will receive a wide variety of training including: Introduction to the service and role specific training when you start Additional training relevant to the role Organisational Induction Trauma Informed Practice Training COPE Galway Mindset Workshops  In addition, Cope Galway will provide ongoing support and guidance through one-to-one and group meetings which you will be informed about while you are volunteering.  Recruitment Process Applicant applies via website or Application form Once the application form is received and the applicant is considered a suitable match for a particular volunteer role, the applicant will be invited to meet with the hiring manager. The interview takes place at the service unless otherwise arranged. Successful applicants will be offered the volunteer role subject to:  Garda Vetting – if applicable  2 Reference Checks (one of whom must be resident in Ireland) Signing the COPE Galway Volunteer Agreement Induction and Orientation prior to commencement. Volunteers commencing with COPE Galway are subject to a trial period.  General information  Volunteers should not undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with their Volunteer Supervisor.  Volunteers are requested to adhere to the “Volunteer Agreement” which includes their rights and responsibilities as outlined in our Volunteer Handbook. 

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