Volunteer Meals4Health Relief Driver

Volunteer with us…. To help delivering meals from Community Catering to the homes of people living in Galway Location:  From Ballybane Industrial Estate to various locations Times: Thursday 11am-1pm as requiredCommitment: Minimum 6 months Responsible to: Hiring managerLevel of English required: Intermediate Location:  From Ballybane Industrial Estate to various locations Times: Thursday 11am-1pm as required Commitment: Minimum 6 months Responsible to: Hiring manager Level of English required: Intermediate  Our Values, Our Work, Our People Our Vision is a community where every person is valued, cared for, and supported at every stage of life. We work to achieve this by providing essential support for people at challenging times in their lives, and by advocating for systemic change to remove the root causes of inequity and disadvantage that constrain the wellbeing and development of individuals, families and communities.   Our Mission is to make a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. We understand, respect and respond to the needs of our clients who are always at the forefront of our work.    COPE Galway is committed to becoming a Trauma Informed Organisation through an implementation plan that includes training for all staff and volunteers across all roles and departments. Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) aims to support us to recognise trauma and to react and respond to it in ways that minimise triggering and re-traumatising people, so that we continue to provide the best possible services to those who need us most. TIP also encourages us to focus on our organisational culture and how we each interact with one another to create psychologically safe environments for clients, volunteers and staff. It encourages us to reflect on our triggers and responses and considers personal and organisational responses to staff and volunteer wellbeing to ensure that our people are supported to deliver the best services they possibly can to those who need them most.    Everything we do is guided by the COPE Galway Approach to help us achieve our vision of a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life.     This assets-based and person-centred approach recognises that each person has attributes and strengths that can make positive differences in their own lives. We achieve results for the people we work with because of our Approach.     The COPE Galway Approach is built on:   Understanding - Deep listening, storytelling, learning, developing, openness, connections.   Respect - Valuing the whole person, empowering, trusting, believing in the potential of others, drawing on strengths and abilities.   Response - Quality, professionalism, making an impact, challenging ourselves, continuous improvement.   Strong human relationships form the basis for the COPE Galway Approach. These relationships are established on how we understand and respect those we work with and how we respond so that we positively impact people’s lives.     Our People are supported by regular support and guidance, and access to our Employee/Volunteer Assistance Programme.  Service description  COPE Galway Community Catering Service delivers nutritious meals to the homes of older people, housebound/disabled people or those unable to prepare a meal for themselves. The service provides approximately 200 meals daily, which are delivered by a team of volunteer drivers.  What’s involved?  Carry out multi drop deliveries to our clients on an agreed route, one day per week or as requested by Community Catering personnel  Ensure meals are delivered promptly  Ensure that health, safety and hygiene standards are maintained to the highest level  Relay concerns regarding clients or client's wellbeing to the co-ordinator  Report any accidents or incidents to the coordinator that occur during your volunteering    Personal Specification  Friendly, enthusiastic manner  Ability to demonstrate respect and empathy to clients  Ability to respond in a professional and sensitive manner to challenging and stressful situations  Planning and organisational skills – ability to be organised in approach to work, to follow through with tasks  A commitment to principles of diversity and inclusion  18 years old or over  Special Requirements  The role requires the Volunteer to be a qualified driver with own car, full clean Irish driving licence & insurance. The use of your own car will be at your own expense due to the volume of deliveries required in our service. This contribution is greatly appreciated.  Advise your insurance company of your volunteer work. A template letter for your insurance company will be provided.  What will you get out of it? Great personal satisfaction since you can make a real difference to our service users. The opportunity to develop knowledge and gain practical experience relative to this role. Gain communication and customer service skills. Join a fun welcoming team. Meet and work with new people. Build confidence. Add valuable experience to your CV. The option to access other training courses as appropriate to the role. The opportunity to contribute to a local Galway charity and help us realise our vision of creating a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. What we would like from you Conduct yourself in a professional manner and maintains a respectful and courteous manner in dealing with clients Willingness to work within the values and policies of COPE Galway Maintain confidentiality in respect of all matters which come to their knowledge in the course of the volunteer role Do not undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with your Volunteer Supervisor.  Volunteers are bound by the “Volunteer Agreement” which includes their rights and responsibilities, and Trust Policies also apply to volunteers.  Will there be induction and training? You will receive a local induction and introduction to the role before you start.  You will be offered service specific training required for the role.  Other training includes:  Trauma Informed Practice (online module) ‘Stop & Think’ Reflective Workshops You will have the opportunity to participate in ‘On-boarding Induction’ with fellow volunteers and staff. Cope Galway will provide ongoing support and supervision through one-to-one and group meetings which you will be informed about while you are volunteering.  Recruitment Process Application processed The applicant will be invited to meet with the service manager The interview takes place as arranged by the hiring manager Successful applicants will be offered the volunteer role subject to signing the COPE Galway Volunteer Agreement and 2 Reference Checks (one of whom must be resident in Ireland)  Induction and Orientation prior to commencement Volunteers commencing with COPE Galway are subject to a trial period General information Volunteers should not undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with their Volunteer Supervisor.Volunteers are requested to adhere to the ‘Volunteer Agreement’ which includes their rights and responsibilities as outlined in our Volunteer Handbook. 

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