Volunteer Donations Management and Delivery

Volunteer with us....To support COPE Galway with managing the store, arranging collections and making regular deliveries of donations in kind from donors to the shop and services. Location: Calbro House, Tuam Road, Galway H91 XR97 Times:     Once a fortnight, 2-3 hours Commitment: Minimum 6 months Responsible to:  Ciara Mc Grath Level of English required:  Intermediate  Our Vision A community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. We work to achieve this vision by providing essential supports for people at challenging times in their lives and by advocating for systemic change to remove the root causes of inequality and disadvantage that constrain the well-being and development of individuals, families and communities.  Our Mission Making a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. We understand, respect and respond to the needs of those who struggle with the challenges of homelessness and domestic abuse, and we support older people towards healthy and active ageing.  Service description Head Office, Cope Galway, Calbro House, Tuam Road, Galway.  We work together with community partners, groups, businesses and individuals, to help some of the most vulnerable and isolated men, women and children in Galway. What’s involved? Manage storeroom and deliveries. Understanding which donated items can be accepted or not accepted. Ensure the storeroom remains tidy and shelves accessible and organised. Move donations from the receiving area to storage. Sort donations received from the public identifying what can be distributed frontline services, sold at the charity shop or must be discarded Transport donations from Calbro House Storeroom to frontline services where appropriate, or to the Charity Shop Assist family services with donations from the public. Special Requirements Must be over 25 years of age Willing you use your own vehicle Must hold a full clean Irish driving license  Health & Safety details The storeroom can be cold at times so a jacket/ jumper may be required. There will be some lifting involved – e.g. Large bags of clothes.  Manual handling training is desired but can also be provided. No previous back injuries or issues with lifting are essential for this role.  Personal Specification Core competencies/skills required  Oral communication skills - ability to communicate effectively and to develop, foster and maintain positive relations with clients, colleagues and other agencies Good organisational skills A commitment to principles of diversity and inclusion  What will you get out of it?  Join a fun, welcoming team while meeting and working with new people. The opportunity to develop social and experiential competencies such as Developing knowledge and gaining practical experience relative to this role. Gaining communication and customer service skills. Building confidence. Adding valuable experience to your CV. References available once the minimum commitment has been made.  The option to access other training courses as appropriate to the role. The opportunity to contribute to a local Galway charity and help us realise our vision of creating a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. Great personal satisfaction since you can make a real difference to our service users. What we would like from you Willingness to work within the values and policies of COPE Galway. Volunteers conducts themselves in a professional manner and maintains a respectful and courteous manner in dealing with clients. Maintain confidentiality in respect of all matters which come to their knowledge while volunteering. Volunteers should not undertake duties outside this role description without checking first with their Volunteer Supervisor.  Adhere to the “Volunteer Agreement” which includes their rights and responsibilities as outlined in our Volunteer Handbook. Will there be induction and training? You will receive a local induction and introduction to the role before you start.  You will be offered service specific training required for the role.  Other training includes:  Trauma Informed Practice (online module) ‘Stop & Think’ Reflective Workshops You will have the opportunity to participate in ‘On-boarding Induction’ with fellow volunteers and staff. In addition, Cope Galway will provide ongoing support and supervision through relevant to the volunteer role, which you will be informed about while you are volunteering.  Recruitment Process Application submitted Once the application form is received and the applicant is considered a suitable match for a particular volunteer role, the applicant will be invited to meet with the service manager. The interview takes place in Cope Galway Head OfficeSuccessful applicants will be offered the volunteer role subject to Garda Vetting to be completed in timely manner 2 Reference Checks (one of whom must be resident in Ireland)  Induction and Orientation prior to commencement. Volunteers commencing with COPE Galway are subject to a trial period.   

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