Zambrero Sales & Catering Assistant

We are seeking energetic, positive individual to join our team in Junction 14 Mayfield, Monasterevin.We are looking for a customer service focused individual that is a team player to work full time hours and be fully flexible.Please see the job description below:Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Employee Rewards Scheme·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work Scheme·         Premium pay for work on Sunday·         Premium pay for Night WorkResponsibilities include, but are not limited to:Food preparation – cooking, serving, slicing, chopping. All things food related will be required of you in the kitchen.Delighting our customers – making sure they leave with a smile on their face!Having an insight into the company – if a customer asks you a question, you have the answer.Organisation – helping out where needed.Teamwork – giving 110% is required when you’re on shift to help each other out!Cleaning – our customers expect a spotless, hygienic environment to relax in. You will ensure the highest standards of cleanliness are met!The successful candidate must possess:Customer Focus – awareness that the customer comes first. You must have a passion for delivering excellent levels of service!Be able to address and resolve customer concerns.Knowledge of HACCP hygiene systems.Personal Drive – you don’t need to be told what to do. You know what is required to succeed and you go about doing it.Great attention to detail.Integrity – honesty is the best policy when it comes to team work, and respect for everyone who you come into contact with, colleagues and customers alike.Teamwork – you get on great working in a team. You know when you are required to lead and followFood knowledge – this is desirable, but not essential.*** At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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