Yard Operative/Forklift Driver

TJ O’Mahony Ballymount, Unit 2, Building A, Ballymount Retail Centre, Ballymount, Dublin 24, D24 X39K, part of the HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-time Permanent Yard Operative/Forklift Driver to join our team.Job Purpose: Yard Operative/Forklift DriverDuties and Responsibilities:Pick and complete sales orders, wrap deliveries, completing warehouse paperwork for each dispatch.Load and unload lorries in a safe and efficient manner.Record and put away of stocks and deliveries.Perform warehouse duties in order to maintain a smooth operation.Ensure all Health and Safety standards are adhered to in line with Company Policy.Move and stack materials.Use of correct manual handling techniques.Checking that finished product packs are closed/sealed correctly with labels in the correct position.Requirements:Good communication and interpersonal skills.Full Counterbalance Forklift License.Computer Skills.Friendly, helpful attitude.Full Driving License.Benefits:Employee DiscountHours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Saturday)Immediate startHPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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