Yard Man (Tallaght)

Our Concrete Products and Aggregates business is a high performance and profitable business unit supporting our Irish customers. At Kilsaran, we are trusted by businesses and contractors alike to produce quality construction materials that are fundamental in the creation of our national infrastructure, including large commercial buildings, domestic and agricultural construction, office blocks and major road networks.  As a Yard Man, you will be responsible for a variety of duties including operation of heavy machinery, ensuring the yard is clean and tidy at all times, covering for loading shovels/shipping/concrete batching.  Responsibilities: Operation of mechanical equipment. Maintaining a clean and tidy yard. Provide cover for Loading Shovels when required. Provide cover for shipping and batching when required. Your responsibilities are not limited to those outlined above, and you are expected to carry out other reasonable duties from time to time, as requested by your manager. Demonstrate a lead by example approach to all aspects of Health & Safety, be fully compliant with Company Health & Safety: policies, procedures, systems and rules, report all hazards and incidents and ensure that you work safely at all times. Skills Required: Machine experience is an advantage but not necessary. Manual Handling. What You Get: Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows: Competitive hourly rate Annual Attendance Bonus Overtime Pay Twenty-one Days Annual Leave Additional Benefits: Sick Pay  Construction Workers Pension Scheme Employee Assistance Programme Cycle-to-work scheme Further education/training and development support Career progression opportunities Hiring Process Upon Application: Brief telephone Screening with our recruitment team 1 round interview process Offer Letter to Successful candidate 

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