Workplace Manager

Mint-Tek, The Prototype People are building the go-to site for developers, designers and innovators to design and build their ideas. We give our customers access to global manufacturers, technology and ideas for their applications. Our customer base is wide, varied and includes some of the most innovative companies in the world. The greatest way to demonstrate the value of your idea is to build a prototype. People then experience the benefit that your idea can bring to them and their world.For innovative people, businesses and organisations planning to scale their innovations, the development and design of a prototype may seem daunting and complex.Our vision is to simplify hardware prototype development and help every idea become a prototype, cost effectively and fast. From mind to model.Our Workplace Manager is key to helping us scale operations and manage our young team. They will work closely with the CEO to cultivate and maintain sharp customer and sales focus.This is an interesting role for a dynamic, people person looking to help grow an exciting technology company.Responsibilities Team developmentTeam ManagementEnsure Sales FulfillmentWorkplace OrganisationPurchasingEnsure Customer FocusWork closely with CEOSkills Curious & CreativeInitiative & IntegrityKnowledge of management responsibilities, systems, and proceduresExcellent time management skills and ability to multitask and prioritize workAttention to detail and problem solving skillsStrong organizational and planning skillsComputer skills and knowledge of office software packagesExcellent written and verbal communication skills

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