Wine Bar Manager

Are you passionate about the restaurant industry? Do you have experience leading a team? We have the perfect opportunity for you!As Wine Bar Manager at Cellar 22, you will play a vital role in ensuring smooth operations, providing exceptional customer service, and maintaining a positive work environment.Key Responsibilities:- Oversee daily operations and ensure high-quality service standards- Train and mentor staff members to deliver outstanding customer experiences- Monitor inventory levels and assist with ordering supplies- Handle customer inquiries and resolve any issues in a professional manner- Maintain a clean and organized restaurant environment- Collaborate with the management team to develop strategies for successRequirements:- Previous experience in a Manager role within high-end restaurant/wine bar- Excellent leadership and communication skills- Strong problem-solving abilities and attention to detail- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and handle multiple tasks- Flexibility to work evenings and weekends as neededWe offer a competitive salary plus tips, along with opportunities for growth and advancement within our expanding restaurant group. Additionally, you'll be part of a dynamic team that values teamwork, creativity, and a passion for outstanding hospitality.

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