Wellness Coach Locum Coach

Who is Centric Mental Health?At Centric Mental Health we understand the importance of your personal or workplace mental health needs. Our goal is to provide every client with the appropriate mental health supports.We can offer team members an exciting and varied career path with ample opportunity for growth and development. As a clinician-led organisation, we are very much aware of both the rewards and challenges of providing mental health services across a variety of settings. With this in mind, we use an approach that supports our clinicians by providing clinical and administrative support, whilst also respecting their autonomy and skill set as trained and experienced mental health professionals.In joining Centric Mental Health, you will be joining a friendly and collaborative multi-disciplinary team, made up of other experienced clinicians, as well as skilled head office staff, who can provide support, guidance and peer consultation.Fully Accredited Wellness Psychotherapist with Master's degree RequiredUnique opportunity for fully accredited counselors and psychotherapists to join our corporate well-being team, providing one to one wellness check-ins, mental health support and group psycho-education.This role will enable fully accredited counselors and psychotherapists to provide a valuable and rewarding wellness service to individuals, while learning business management skills, note taking skills, crisis intervention techniques and work alongside highly experienced clinicians.Specific Job Details:Hours: FlexibleWorking pattern: Flexible to suit your requirements (7am - 11pm)Contract: NoneDays: Monday - Sunday (Flexible)Commencement Date: As soon as possibleSalary Range: CompetitiveLocation: Dublin (2 locations: Sandyford, Grand Canal Dock)The key responsibilities can include:Working in a general consultative capacity within a corporate setting using a preventative, psycho-educational approach with individual workers, as well as groups of workersInnovating and contributing to the development of services to promote the psychological well-being of all service usersCommunicating effectively and working in co-operation with team members and othersWorking within limits of professional competence in line with principles of best practice, professional conduct, and clinical governanceBeing aware of, and referring clients on to, appropriate services as necessaryKeeping up to date with the evidence based and CPD related to clinical workWriting and maintaining clear client case notes, reports and collecting statistics in line with company policyUsing a client management system to manage client appointmentsPart of the job role may involve drafting articles which will be used for content on the Spectrum Mental Health website and other marketing collateralWhat experience and qualifications do I need?Recognised qualification in psychotherapy, preferably with post qualification experience, working therapeutically with individual adultsMaster's DegreeFully Accredited member with either IACP, IICP, IAHIP or ICP or other recognized post qualification experienceCurrent professional indemnity insuranceExcellent administration and organisational skillsProficient with Technology/IT or willingness to learnFlexibility and adaptability with an ability to work within work environments and services that are changing, growing and evolvingAbility to work in a collaborative team environment with an openness to sharing ideas and learning from othersFluent English Level B2 Advanced requiredFlexible attitude to changing work practicesWhat competencies are especially desirable?Experience running groups and/or giving presentationsGood knowledge of Microsoft ExcelPast experience managing peopleGood communication and interpersonal skillsStrong organisational skillsCentric Mental Health is an equal-opportunity employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce.#IND1

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