Weighbridge Operator Athlone

Role Summary: The role of the weighbridge administrator is to ensure all acceptable waste material entering or leaving the site is correctly recorded and accounted for in line with the facilities licensing requirements and waste acceptance criteria. To identify and correct anomalies and manage all weighbridge transactions including end of day cash out-out duties. Responsible for incoming phone calls/emails and skip related calls, inputting orders accurately on scheduling system and managing collections. Weighbridge Administrator Responsibilities:  Input customer details accurately.Friendly phone manner and effective problem-solving abilities.Communicate information that could potentially improve customer service End of day cash-out duties.Maintain the weighbridge and general area of the weighbridge office in a clean, tidy and hazard free condition.Responsible for ensuring skip payment and other weighbridge transactions are recorded correctly to comply with end of day requirements.Collate daily, weekly and monthly data as part of management information.Identify and deal with discrepancies or weighing anomalies.Ad Hoc duties as assigned by management Skills and Experience Required: 1 – 2 years administration experience preferredExcellent customer rapport.Good computer literacy (MS Office, Excel, Outlook) Ability to learn new systems.Strong organizational skills.Strong attention to detail.Ability to work under pressureTeam player with the ability to work on their own initiative.Excellent communication skills. Terms:·        Mon – Fri: 08:30 to 17:00 / Sat 08:00 to 13:30·        Part time & full-time position available

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