Weekend Scheduler

Weekend Scheduler - Clane Co. Kildare. Fri evening , Weekends , Public holidays12 months experience on One Touch systemSUMMARY OF DUTIES:Maintains all aspects of staff scheduling while adhering to employment law, regulations and staffing guidelines of all departments within the scheduling office.QUALIFICATIONS:♦One Touch Experience♦ Office Administration certificate preferredKNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES:♦ Intermediate computer skills♦ Interpersonal skills♦ Organisational skills♦ Communication skills♦ Ability to work independentlyKEY ACTIVITIES:A. Staff Scheduling♦ Maintains staff schedules (e.g., master rotation) in accordance with employment law requirements and HR policies/procedures.♦ Calls and schedules staff for replacement of leaves of absence and schedulesadjustments.♦ Formats and posts staff schedules.♦ Compiles and posts call-in lists.♦ Works collaboratively with managers on scheduling issues.♦ Inputs/updates employee information in scheduling program.♦ Provides occasional guidance to the primary function of others including training.♦ Collects, verifies, enters Client referral information.♦ Informs payroll office of any pay code and/or staff changes.♦ Identifies errors and makes corrections.♦ Prepares spreadsheets.♦ Assists employees in connecting to Online App system.Job Type: Part-timeBenefits:Employee assistance programWellness programSchedule:Weekend and Bank holiday availabilityApplication question(s):One Touch Experience essential

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