Weekend Supervisor - McCauleys Poppyfields

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, the unique and highly successful "One Stop Health and Beauty Shop", are the leading Irish owned pharmacy chain with 35 branches nationwide and over 500 colleagues. We are currently recruiting for a Weekend Retail Supervisor to work in our store in our Poppyfields branch. This is a part time, permanent contract and reports directly to the Pharmacy Manager.Duties & Responsibilities include:Assist the Pharmacy Manager in their day to day duties. Act as the first point of contact on the Pharmacy Manager's days off or during periods of Annual Leave.Actively support the Pharmacy Manager in maximising store sales and achieving various store KPI'S.Purchasing – ensuring adequate volumes and on-time delivery to satisfy customer requirements.  Liaise with Support Office to identify and resolve problems at store level.Liaise with Marketing Department and Purchasing Department to introduce and promote sales incentives.Colleague Management / Performance - Lead by positive example and develop a spirit of team cooperation and motivation within the store. Coach and mentor colleagues to achieve the required performance standards.Assist the Pharmacy Manager in successfully managing the day to day operations of the team including rostering, holidays, absenteeism and timekeeping, ensuring full cover is maximised in the store and across all departments at all times.Assist the Pharmacy Manager with rosters and submitting payroll.Ensure timely follow through on all customer complaints and, resolve at local level.Qualifications, Experience and Skills requiredExperience working in a busy Pharmacy preferably at Supervisor level.Computer literate, strong at the use of systems and the Microsoft package including Excel.Must be strong at multitasking and prioritising workloads.A proven passion for retail and customer service, excellent written and verbal communication.Excellent organisational and analytical skills.A team player with strong leadership skills.We can offer you:Competitive Hourly ratesGreat Colleague DiscountMaternity leave paidBike to work scheme

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