Weddings & Events Chef (No.131 The Promenade)

We have a rare but exciting opportunity for a talented Chef to join our kitchen team at No.131 The Promenade, Cheltenham.The Lucky Onion is a family of hotels, inns and restaurants, raised and rooted in The Cotswolds, England.We currently consist of seven properties; each one with its own distinct character and personality, but all sharing our genuine passion for great design, high quality food & drink and exceptional service. We love eating and feel that some of life’s best memories are created over a table, sharing food with the people we care about most. We use the very best produce, sourced locally wherever possible and are working hard with sustainable produce suppliers.We are searching for an experienced Chef to join our highly regarded kitchen team at No. 131 The Promenade to lead & cater for our Weddings and Special Events. Experience working across all sections in a busy and creative kitchen is essential, and previous experience catering for wedding breakfasts and special events is preferable. A passion for high quality seasonal menus and provenance; delivering exceptional, inspired dishes and menu selections is a must. Our ideal candidates will be self-motivated, personable and approachable with a sense of fun and professionalism in equal measure. With the ability to multi-task and deliver quality dishes in a fast paced environment, you will be organised and efficient with a keen eye for detail and a desire to give above and beyond expectation – treating every guest as a VIP.In return:Share of Tronc50% team discount in TLO propertiesMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward schemeContinual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are interested in this opportunity and would enjoy working with a dedicated and professional team who are passionate about great food and drink we would be delighted to hear from you. Please send us your current CV detailing your skills and experience.

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