Wedding & Events Coordinator

We are currently looking to expand our existing Weddings & Events Team. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with experience in the events and hospitality industry.This person should be able to prove that he/she is a competent professional sales person and a good communicator. Excellent computer skills are required and in-depth knowledge of the internal operations of a hotel is an advantage. This position includes both midweek and weekend shifts working 5 days out of 7.Strong administration skills are a must. You will have a professional and friendly approach, and be focused on providing excellent customer service. This person will be joining an energetic, highly driven and passionate team that are very proud of the standards achieved here in BrookLodge & Macreddin Village.You will be required to ensure the highest standards are maintained throughout the Sales & Events department. You will liaise with Wedding Couples, Event Organisers and BrookLodge Operational Managers to ensure the smooth running of all business, from initial enquiry to converting bookings to hands-on on the day of the event through to after event follow up.  If you feel you are a suitable fit for this position then we want to hear from you.

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