Wedding Coordinator

Rathsallagh House, Dunlavin, West Wicklow, a member of Ireland's Exclusive Blue Book, is seeking an experienced full or part time Wedding Coordinator to join its team of 4 existing wedding planers and coordinators. Rathsallagh won Exclusive Wedding Venue of the Year Ireland – Weddings On Line Awards Best Wedding Venue – National Hospitality Awards and Historic Hotel Wedding Experience for - Historic Hotels of Europe.The successful candidate will have Hotel and or Country House experience with a strong understanding of front office, conference & banqueting procedures, be willing to learn quickly and will be involved in the daily duties of the Sales and Events department including co-ordination of all guest requests, negotiating rates and working with our Bride and Grooms to ensure the wedding day excels above and beyond their expectations.You will have to prove that you are a competent administrator with a friendly approachable manner and excellent customer care skills. You will have to be an excellent communicator with a keen eye for detail and be able to work as part of a team. Fluent in English is essential and Moposa experience is an advantage. This can be a full time or part time position. .

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