Wedding Bar Person

Job Advertisement: Bar Person at Markree CastlePosition: Bar PersonLocation: Markree Castle, Sligo, IrelandHours: 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM, Thursday to SundayPlease note: No public transport available during shift hours.About the RoleMarkree Castle is seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic Bar Person to join our professional bar team. This is a unique opportunity to work in a prestigious, friendly, and fun environment. If you have a passion for exceptional bar service and enjoy engaging with guests, we’d love to hear from you!Key ResponsibilitiesProvide professional and friendly beverage service to guests.Maintain a clean, organized, and well-stocked bar area at all times.Address guest questions and report any feedback.Occasionally assist with food service as required.RequirementsMinimum Age: 18+ (legal requirement to serve alcohol in Ireland).Experience: Prior experience in bar service is essential.Availability: Fully flexible Thursday through Sunday, including mid-week and weekend availability. Shifts are 8–10 hours, 4–5 days per week, from 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM.Language: Fluent spoken and written English.Work Authorization: Must have permission to work in Ireland.BenefitsCompetitive Salary for candidates with the right experience.Fun & Friendly Work Environment in a historic setting.Employee Discounts across all OIH locations.Join Us!If you’re ready to make a mark in an inspiring venue and enjoy working with a dynamic team, apply now to become part of the Markree Castle experience.Markree Castle is an equal-opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates.

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