Waste Water Treatment Plant Operative

Reporting to our Environmental Manager, we are looking for someone to come and join the team in this role, which is a great opportunity for someone with relevant experience.This role is based at our Bridge of Allan site.Working Hours Monday to Friday, backshift e.g. 12 - 8pm.Main Duties and Responsibilities:Continually run, monitor and maintain the effluent treatment plant  Maintain plant equipment to a good standard so as to ensure accuracy and compliance and undertake a regular cleaning regime of pipework, bunds, tanks and the general area Understand the compliance required from Scottish Water to ensure the discharge consent limits are not breached Understand the treatment requirements of the effluent plant  Undertake continuous monitoring and adjustment of the effluent plant so that it operates efficiently Ensure there are smooth handovers with other colleagues Training of other colleagues ensuring they can maintain the effluent plant when not in attendance  Undertake daily analysis of the effluent to monitor and optimise the operation of the plant To carry out checks on a regular basis and report any problems with the Effluent Plant to the Engineering Manager To undertake training on how to run the Effluent plant in the most effective an efficient way To ensure all tasks performed are as per training given and safe working procedures Adherence to legislation and Company, hygiene, health and safety policies during all works in accordance with PPE requirements at all times Escalate issues of serious level immediately to the Engineering Manager To support continual improvement through identifying site improvement projects and personal development opportunities to the Engineering Manager Training and Development – To help the Supervisor identify training needs and opportunities by highlighting your own needs at appraisals. To work to agreed training plan, bringing any skill shortfalls/difficulties to the attention of the Supervisor. Ensure understanding of expected standards and targets before commencing any task. To carry out all assigned tasks in accordance with company policies and procedures, particularly with regard to Health and Safety and Food Safety. To have a flexible approach to workloads/hours to ensure agreed throughput and yield targets are met. To adhere to current legislation and Company hygiene policies with regards to safe food production and hygiene at all times To carry out all assigned tasks in accordance with company policies and procedures, particularly with regard to Health and Safety and Food Safety at all times To ensure that you comply with the Company Health and Safety policy at all times Any other duties as required Skills and Experience:A positive attitude, with a willingness to learn and develop skills in a fast paced environment.Previous experience in a similar roleStrong communication skills.used to working in a teamProactive, dynamic and the ability to work using own initiativeGood customer service skills

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