Warranty Administrator

Are you a fully qualified Warranty Administrator looking for your next career move? If so, then this is the perfect role for you.In this role you will be working in a busy workshop with a team of dedicated professionals. You will be responsible for :• Processing Dealer warranty claims. • Preparing reports on warranty claims, expenditure and warranty trends. • Implementation of warranty standards. • Development of systems and processes. • Verifying compliance with factory standards. • Returning warranty parts to the manufacturer. • Building and maintaining professional relationships at dealership and manufacturer level. • Liaising with Technicians as to justification of claim. • Various ad hoc administrative duties.Skills: Motor Warranty Administrator AdministratorWe are looking for a well-rounded, flexible individual, who works well as part of a team and willing to learn the “Toyota Way”. The Toyota Principles are;#1. Customer First, #2. Respect for all people, #3. Continuous improvement using Kaizen and Lean 6 Sigma methodologies.***we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies at this time***

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