Warehouse Team Leader

Warehouse Team Leader Location: Baldonnell, DublinThe overall purpose of a Team Lead is to work alongside the other team leads to support the Warehouse Supervisor in coordinating the daily UDC warehouse activities, organising and resourcing the operatives while ensuring that all inbound and outbound operations are completed within set time frames and in accordance with Good Distribution Practices and Standard Operating Procedures.  Key Responsibilities: • Provide necessary support to the UDC Operations team to achieve all relevant targets in Inbound and Outbound processes • Assisting Supervisor and Manager in managing under performance and absenteeism• Ensure FEFO is always followed• Helping to ensure stock accuracy is maintained throughout the warehouse in accordance with CAP process where applicable • Helping to ensure presentation & despatch of orders to highest standards• Assist in the preparation and the carrying out of stock takes including cycle counts when required• Ensure damaged products are dealt with appropriately• Ensuring that systems, SOP's, and GDP's are adhered to, and operate to ISO9002 standard• Be proactive in the management and implementation of Health & Safety policies and procedures and report any safety concerns to the Depot Manger• Ensure highest standards of housekeeping are in place in line with GDP requirements• Participate in ongoing projects that will benefit the warehouse in terms of Health and Safety, Quality, Service and Cost• Conduct handovers and provide support to other team leads working in warehouse to help manage overall workload and provide holiday coverKey Experience / Skills / Education: • Minimum experience of at least two years in warehouse or experience in similar role• Experience working as part of as a team or step up • Ability to take initiative and work well under pressure in a team environment• Excellent interpersonal skills and good verbal and written communication skills • Ability to work on own initiative and work smart towards deadlines• Ability to occasionally work flexible hours as the job demands (holiday cover)• Attention to detail with a focus on task completion with a high level of accuracy• Strong focus on customer needs and customer service.• Awareness of Health & safety and GDP requirements.• Knowledge of SAP EWM would be an advantageAbout United Drug United Drug is Ireland’s largest pharmaceutical distribution company and was originally founded by a group of pharmacists in Ballina, Mayo in 1948. In 2022 United Drug became part of the PHOENIX group and is now part of Europe’s leading healthcare provider in the sector. Employing more than 650 staff across operations in Dublin, Limerick and Mayo, we partner with more than 1,900 pharmacies, hospitals, clinics and primary care centres across Ireland. Our business spans across three business units; United Drug Wholesale, United Drug Distribution and United Drug Consumer – all leaders in their respective categories.About PHX Ireland & PHOENIX Group PHX Ireland Group is Ireland’s leading fully integrated healthcare provider. We deliver health. We are comprised of United Drug, Ireland’s leading pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor; McCabes Pharmacy, Ireland’s leading community pharmacy chain; and TCP Homecare, innovators in clinical home nursing services and direct to patient delivery solutions.PHX Ireland Group employs over 1,800 people, operate 5 distribution centres and over 75 pharmacies, delivers over 85 million packs to Irish pharmacies and hospitals and serves 500,000 patients each year. By working together to provide these solutions, PHX Ireland can enable a sustainable healthcare system and support Irish Healthcare.PHX Ireland is part of the PHOENIX group, Europe’s leading healthcare provider. Headquartered in Mannhein, Germany, the PHOENIX group brings together more than 48,000 employees from 29 countries, includes 223 pharmaceutical distribution sites, and more than 3200 owned pharmacies and 17000 partner pharmacies. Every day, the PHOENIX group makes an important contribution to comprehensive and safe healthcare in Europe. The PHOENIX group acquired the McKesson Ireland (now PHX Ireland Group) businesses in November 2022 when it concluded a deal to acquire parts of McKesson Europe.We strive to foster an open and inclusive environment, embracing applications from individuals of all backgrounds. Our commitment lies in ensuring an accessible interview process for all candidates. If you require additional support or accommodations to attend an interview, we kindly encourage you to reach out to jobs@phxireland.ie

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