Warehouse Supervisor (nights)

(Circa Start 9.30pm)Who We AreWe are the largest independent Irish provider of Logistics, and Sales and Marketing. Our company values represent all our combined views and feelings about who we are and our culture here at Primeline. Our values are Respect, Excellence, Courage, Teamwork and Results, and these values determine how we behave when doing our job, working with our teams and when dealing with our many customers and principles. Our business is diverse and well cultured, with over fifty different nationalities and 6 different generations working side by side every day.What We DoWe move 1 million boxes per week, we have over 100,000 square foot of warehousing and we employ over 600 direct employees across the Primeline Group, from warehouse operatives, transport drivers, field sales representatives and many support roles based in our Head Office located in Ashbourne, Co. Meath. Primeline is multifaceted, and we operate across many industries including FMCG, retail, pharmacy, media, automotive, print, ambient food and technology and we provide cutting edge supply chain solutions to companies operating in Ireland. We proudly service over 4500 retailers.Where We are GoingWe continue to develop our leadership teams to ensure that Primeline remains a place where people want to come to work every day, and a place where people can learn and strive towards their future goals. We will continue to create an environment where people can be at their best. Retaining our current customer blue chip companies and multinational brands and growing new business which by providing best brand execution will be key to our success. We will build the best r partnerships with our principles and customers, and we will continue to drive a values-based culture.What Do We WantYou need to be analytical, and process orientated. You should have strong administrative skills and be capable of leading the operation system and administrative function. You will ensure the timely and accurate processing of all orders from point of receipt to final dispatch. This will include the completion of all associated transactions. You will work closely with the inventory department manager ensuring that all stock, systems, and admin processes are executed in accordance with internal and external policies and procedures.You will be well organised, with a strong attention to detail and have strong leadership skills.What Will Your Day To Day Look LikeSupervising the day-to-day operations of the colleagues within the administrative department and work that they carry out. Hiring, training, coaching, and evaluating employees. Managing any ad hoc situation that may arise with colleagues in conjunction with HR. Developing reviewing and improving systems, policies, and procedures. Overseeing special projects and tracking progress towards company goals.What Skills Do You Need For This RoleYou need to have a minimum of 3 years' experience in a similar administrative or systems management role. You need to be capable of building strong interpersonal relationships.You need to have good written and verbal communication skills. You need to have good coaching skills.You will need to be a strong analytical thinker.You need to be a problem solver and a critical thinker.You need to have the ability to plan for and keep track of multiple projects and deadlines. You need to be able to work independently and as art of a team.You Need to have exceptional leadership, time, task, and resource management skills.

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