Warehouse Operative (Evening/Night Shift) – North Dublin - D11/D15

Why work for Sysco?€16.69 p/h plus shift allowancesincrease to €17+ after 12 monthsWellness dayService daysDiscounted staff salesEAPExpert Training & DevelopmentLooking for a new career full of opportunity?Ready to work with a great team?Then look no further than Sysco.We have the best team in the industry and are always looking for passionate people ready to serve and delight our customers each day. Being a part of Ireland’s largest foodservice provider means joining a team that is passionate about the world of food and dedicated to the growth and support of the industry. Here at Sysco, our wide, national network aims to serve thousands of cafés, restaurants and bars throughout the country that make up our customers. We are looking for a Warehouse Orders Selector to join our team. This is the evening shift role with a starting rate of €16+ per hour, plus a shift allowance and opportunities for overtime. Previous warehouse experience is advantageous but not essential as full training is provided.Key Accountabilities:·        Hand Selection of orders within multi-temperature environments (Ambient, Cooler and Freezer chambers)·        Meet or exceed minimum efficiency and accuracy levels·        Follow Health & Safety, Food Safety, Hygiene and Operational Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and company policies·        Follow Manual Handling, Material Handling Equipment (MHE) and any other, role relevant, training (full training will be provided)·        Maintain and safely operate all assigned equipment, including but not limited to mechanical handling equipment, arm mounted terminal·        Perform any other general warehousing duties as assigned Requirements:·        Previous Warehouse experience desirable, full 2–4-week induction and training programme provided·        Availability for 5 over 7 days working week (weekends included), ability to work different shift patterns and overtime when required·        A team player with the ability to work to deadlines in the fast-paced environment·        Must be able to communicate effectively at all levels of the business, as it relates to the job and to the safety regulations·        High level of productivity and accuracy with a safety conscious mindset·        No public transport available to/from depot – own transport advisable The duties and responsibilities outlined in this job description are neither definitive nor restrictive and may change in detail from time to time to meet the changing needs of the businessSysco is an Equal Opportunity Employer.#IND2

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