Warehouse Operative - Belfast

Armatile is one of the leading retailers, distributors and manufacturers of tiles in Ireland and the UK. Our products range from the authentically traditional to the truly outrageous and we have supplied many prestigious projects across the world including; Dubai, U.S.A Canada, Europe, and many more throughout the island of Ireland.Candidates need to have a reasonable level of fitness, be able to work quickly, efficiently and competently for this position.You will be a key part of a customer focused team responsible for order assembly and loading for delivery to our customers.This role will involve:Picking products throughout the warehouse, preparing and completing warehouse orders for despatch/delivery according to the daily schedule.Packing orders to a high standard ensuring despatches have the correct labels and paperwork.Inspection of orders being despatched/returned, checking for damage/defects.Storing goods, moving stock around by hand or a forklift truck.Completing stock checks.Keeping paperwork up to date.Ensure that at all times you work within the guidelines led out in the Armatile Health and Safety Policy.Hours of work: 40 hour per week ( Monday to Friday 8.30am to 17:30pm )The successful candidate will be based in our Belfast store in Boucher Crescent.Benefits:Contributory company pensionForklift trainingOn-Site parkingPerson SpecificationEssential SkillsDriving licence.Forklift certification.Good communication skills.Good team work skills.Able to demonstrate a good standard of Maths & English.Will display accuracy and attention to detail at all times to ensure our products leave the warehouse in good condition.Will have a strong work ethic.Physical stamina will be important as manual handling is a key part of the job.Desirable SkillsAbility to work under pressure and to deadlines, paying strict attention to detail.Organisational skills.Ability to follow instructions.Ability to work in a busy environment.Conscientious, articulate and methodical.ExperienceExperience of working within a busy a warehouse environment would be an advantage – One year (preferred).Experience of sorting stock would be an advantage.Will display accuracy and attention to detail at all times to ensure our products leave the warehouse in good condition.

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