Warehouse Operative

We are seeking a detail-oriented and proactive Warehouse Operative to manage daily operations within our Domestic Stores and Warehouse Division.Responsibilities: ·       Performing daily forklift checks·       Conducting shelf, ladder, and health & safety inspections, and ensuring the cleanliness and organization of both Domestic and Project Stores·       The role involves managing stock, including loading and unloading pallets with the forklift, receiving and labelling inventory, conducting stock cycle counts using scanners and auditing shelves to ensure proper labelling and part location.·       Additionally, the individual will liaise with the accounts team on supplier queries and collaborate with fitters and engineers regarding order arrivals and locations·       Other tasks include overseeing logistics for our other branches in Mountrath, Ballyhaunis, and Naas, performing IT-related operations such as ERP, word processing, email, and label printing, and participating in supplier product training and internal training sessions·       Ensuring health and safety compliance, preparing for ISO audit inspections, and supporting warehouse improvement projects through LEAN initiatives are also key aspects of this role·       The individual will also manage order queries, maintain Kanban systems, process warranty returns, and handle general requestsSkills/ Abilities:·       Excellent attention to detail and self-motivation skills·       Proven ability to work well with a team·       Good communication skills (verbal and written)

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