Warehouse Admin/Problem Freight - Cork

Fastway is in a period of unprecedented growth and as such, we have a need to secure a driven, focused, and experienced Warehouse Administrator/Problem Freight to join their busy team. The desired candidate for this Warehouse Administrator/Problem Freight role will have worked within a logistics/warehouse business previously.The successful candidate will be based in our Little Island Depot in Cork Key ResponsibilitiesIdentification of items requiring action.Assigning such Items for corrective action.Arranging collection/delivery of goods back to CF, Depot or Supplier.Updating of incoming Parcels throughout the day on OES platform to facilitate swift turn around on replies within the system.Checking status of goods in /out to ensure timely deliveries and swift corrective action if things are not progressing as planned.Communication of problems or delays and resolution plans directed to Supervisor, DC Manager.Communication with customers and suppliers to ensure timely transfer between parties. Key Skills for this job:Strong organizational and administrative skills.Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.Proficiency in Microsoft OfficeDetail-oriented with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Ability to multitaskA successful track record working as strong team memberFluency in English is essential both written and verbal Job Types: Full-time, PermanentSalary: €14.00 per hour Schedule:Monday- Friday10am-5pm #FAST1

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