Ward Clerk

About the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic is a 112 bed private hospital in Lucan, West Dublin. Our specialised medical teams provide medical, surgical and advanced radiotherapy care to patients and are supported by the very latest medical technology. The Hermitage Medical Clinic is committed to providing excellence in patient care using state-of-the-art facilities. The Clinic offers an outstanding level of expertise and cutting edge technology. We have the most advanced diagnostic imaging equipment available today, full Cardiological facilities including a Cardiac Catheterisation Suite and Clinical Laboratory services.Job PurposeWe are seeking a Ward Clerk to join the Nursing team within the Medical/Surgical wards . The role will report to the CNM2. The successful candidate will be responsible for the provision of quality service in line with standards of administration practice in a clinical area. As a key member of the frontline team, the Ward Clerk will assist in the delivery of individualised patient care through the provision of adequate administration support. The role assists in the smooth running of the unit and the provision of quality patient care. The position requires a collaborative and supportive approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the implementation of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives.The PersonEssential CriteriaLeaving Certificate or equivalentTwo years administrative experienceExcellent interpersonal and communication skillsExcellent planning and organising skillsProven ability to work under pressureKnowledge of medical terminology is desirablePrevious hospital experience is desirable. Why work at the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Medical Clinic team you can benefit from:  An Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife Assurance The Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality at all levels of the organisation. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email hr@hermitageclinic.ie

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