Van Driver - Romford

About LawsonsLawsons is the UK’s largest independent fencing, timber and builders’ merchants and now boasts 36 branches, 700 employees and £200 million turnover, founded in 1921 and operates across London and the South East of England.Job Purpose StatementTo deliver a friendly and professional service in a safe and efficient manner on and off company premises.Working hours for this position - Monday to Friday 07.30 - 17.00 and alternate Saturday's 08.00 - 12.00 = 44.5 hours per week.Branch Postcode - RM5 2BDKey Accountabilities:Drive in accordance with the law, safely and courteouslyComply with current legislationEnsure safe and efficient loading and unloadingCultivate and maintain exceptional standards of customer service and ensuring Lawsons Best Practise, Standards and Company Policies are metBuild rapport, be polite and courteous to customersProactively contribute by seeking out potential company salesBe vigilant to prevent loss or damage of product and vehicleBe vigilant and report and Health & Safety issues to the Line Manager immediatelyWe would love to meet someone who...  Holds a full valid category B driving license (essential)Has previous van driving experience working in a builder's merchants (essential)Demonstrates a positive and friendly attitudeWill promote and adhere to the company's cultures, values and professionalismHolds excellent interpersonal skills and confidenceIs prepared to develop a knowledge of the company, its products and the elements required to be successfully employed in the businessExcellent communication skills, attention to detail and methodicalAbility to work under pressure, be self-motivated and adaptableExcellent time management skillsWhat is in it for you…Salary range from £27,500 - £28,500 depending on experience23 Days Holiday + Bank HolidaysPension SchemeDeath In Service SchemeEmployee Assisted Programme

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