Van Driver Galway

Description:We are looking for Van drivers to join our fleet on a temporary basis. We are seeking customer focused individuals to collect waste and recycling on our Domestic and Commercial routes.HGV Driver Responsibilities:Carry out assigned routes on a daily basisResponsible for daily vehicle condition checks as outlined by the ManagerBe 100% compliant with Health & Safety, Smoking Regulations and Environmental requirements ensuring PPE is worn at all times while carrying out duties.Skills and Experience required:A driver’s CPC card and Digital Tacho CardFlexibility with regard to working varying shifts in line with business needsGood communication skillsExcellent customer service skills.Terms:Hours: Shifts vary between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. start times and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. finish timesRequired to work Saturdays and Public holidaysPay is commensurate with experience

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