US Inside Sales Specialist

US Inside Sales SpecialistVitalograph - Lenexa, KS Benefits:401(k)Employee assistance programHealth insurancePaid time offProfessional development assistanceTuition reimbursementWith over 60 years in business and exciting expansion plans ahead, now is a fantastic to join our growing team! With measured success, will come opportunities for further career progression.Reporting to the EVP of Global Markets, you will work in partnership with other BDM’s and Commercial facing personnel, marketing, office administration and logistics, to drive continuous direct sales revenue year on year. Vitalograph is the world’s leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices, software used to diagnose respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have the most extensive range of respiratory diagnostic solutions globally available. Responsibilities as an Inside Sales Specialist:Using your sales experience & prospecting sales techniques, you will be expected to generate sales leads over the phone and email: ·      Increase direct sales share across sectors of the respiratory markets.·      To protect and grow sales revenues and maintain sales share with existing customers and clients.·      Taking any inbound sales inquiries and actioning them accordingly.·      Dealing with any online live chat enquires.·      Managing existing accounts and making sure each client is aware of any ongoing offers or promotions, upselling where possible.·      Develop New Business accounts and Up/Cross Selling Skills.·      Working with the sales administration team, you will be required to compile quotations based on specific customer needs. Passing sales orders to the sales support team once the order has been complete.·      Working on lapsed accounts ensuring that every service and product has been offered to reactivate the account.·      Analysis of trace sales reports and managing customer installed base.·      Data input and management of the Vitalograph CRM.·      Driving direct Device and consumable sales across all commercial segments in the USA. Requirements as an Inside Sales Specialist:·      Fluent in English both verbal and written communication. ·      Previous quoting experience, sales processing, and CRM management.·      Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to build strong relationships quickly.·      Have the capacity to gain in-depth product and procedure knowledge.·      Must be self-disciplined, organised, and be able to take ownership and responsibility for business objectives.·      Must be highly motivated and have a strong desire to succeed in a demanding role.·      Trained to apply advanced Microsoft package skills: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.·      Full & clean driving license.·      Resident within United States USA (must live within 1 hour of our USA HQ in Lenexa, Kansas)·      Must be willing to travel internationally and internally within the USA as requested (e.g. overseas meetings and training courses).·      3-5 years Direct sales experience. ·      Minimum of a Degree or Higher Education certification.

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