Work Placement Opportunities 2025

Are you ready to make an impact?Want to influence the power grid of the future? Tackle climate change? Revolutionise the world of manufacturing? Jumpstart your career with our Work Placement Programme! NeoDyne is a leading Irish & UK Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation company, employing over 200 engineers across our Cork, Galway, Dublin and UK offices. We specialise in intelligent manufacturing, digitalisation solutions, and advanced electrical design and power generation for the Life Science, Food & Beverage, and Energy sectors.We're offering work placement opportunities for engineering students (both Bachelor and Master degree pathways) to gain experience in one of our business specialisations:> Integration & Digital ManufacturingWithin Integration & Digital Manufacturing, we partner with global technology companies, including AVEVA, Siemens, Rockwell Automation and Schneider Electric, to deliver complex system integration and operational changes across a wide range of industries. We provide high availability, fault-tolerant and functionally safe PLC and SCADA solutions and integrate leading-edge Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES/MOM), Batch and Data Historian solutions that transform our customer’s business and manufacturing processes. Our long-standing and endorsed partner relationships allow us to tailor solutions to our customer’s unique needs to deliver step improvements in productivity, reliability and cost reduction.> Power Generation & Energy SystemsWithin our Power Generation & Utilities business, we integrate technology, experience, and people to deliver large scale Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) solutions, industrial Combined Heat & Power (CHP) with Island mode and critical service standby diesel generators. We provide feasibility studies and system design for embedded generation projects including solar panels, wind turbines and battery storage. We also provide fully versatile and robust solutions for Balance of Plant (BOP) operations and Electrical Protection Systems.> Transmission & DistributionWithin our Transmission & Distribution team, we design AIS/GIS substations from 20kV to 220kV and contestable build and non-contestable stations in the range of 40 to 550MVA CCGT. Connections include conventional and renewable Power Generation, Peaking, Battery Storage, DS3 and Solar PV plants and large demand loads such as data centres and process plants. We use leading-edge design and modelling tools from global technology companies to deliver innovative designs for our customers.NeoDyne is also a gas network design framework supplier, playing a significant role in providing electrical and instrumentation engineering services for the on-shore Natural Gas Industry and Regulated gas utility sector in Ireland and the UK. Our expertise includes Compressor Station, AGI Electrical & Instrumentation design, Fiscal and non-Fiscal metering, and Cathodic Protection.We're on the hunt for the brightest emerging talent – students who can bring fresh perspectives and bold ideas to our team.What will I be doing?As a placement student, you'll dive into real-world projects from day one, working alongside experienced engineers.Your tasks may involve CAD design, programming advanced automation solutions, or conducting power system studies, all while steadily enhancing your skills and expertise.You'll also get to generate technical documentation, collaborate with our customers and suppliers, and where relevant, go on site for installation, testing, and commissioning activities.What sets us apart is the breadth of the work we do. You'll gain exposure to multiple engineering disciplines and technologies helping you decide what direction you want to take your career in.Why choose our Work Placement Programme?Real World Experience> This isn’t a research placement – it’s an opportunity to work on live customer projects, tackle real-world challenges, and see your designs come to life.> You get to enhance your CV with relevant, hands-on experience that truly sets you apart. Professional Development> We offer specialised training, blending e-learning with on-the-job experience, to develop and grow your engineering skills.> Work with cutting-edge technologies and professional engineering tools, building valuable skills and expertise.> Learn from industry experts who are passionate about mentoring and invested in your development.What characteristics do we look for?We look for candidates who> Work well as part of a team.> Have excellent problem solving and diagnostic skills.> Can complete tasks independently, capable of self-learning.> Can prioritise and coordinate work.> Have excellent customer service, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills.> Can multitask and work well under pressure.Benefits> Competitive salary - Competitive hourly rate.> 40-hour week fully immersed in projects > e-learning and on-the-job training> Annual leave entitlement (8% of hours worked)> Flexitime> Compressed working week> Company social eventsApply today!Join our work placement programme to gain real-world experience, hands-on training, and enjoy a competitive salary while doing so. You'll gain invaluable skills, learn from industry experts, and enhance your CV with meaningful experience. Plus, our programme is a strong stepping stone – 90% of our placement students return as full-time graduates.Don't miss this opportunity to shape your future. Contact your placement officer and apply today.

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