UK Training Co-Ordinator (Clinical Trials)

Training Co-Ordinator – Clinical TrialsVitalograph - Maids Moreton, Buckingham  What we offer:23 days annual leaveExcellent company pension schemeDeath in service benefit of 4 x salaryCompany contributed private medical insuranceExciting progression opportunitiesLearning & Development initiativesDue to expansion & growth in our clinical trials department, we now have an exciting opportunity available for two ‘Training Co-Ordinators’ to join our UK team. The ideal candidate should have some experience in delivering training and writing training materials and are keen to develop their career in this field.Vitalograph is a leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have designed, developed and manufactured respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for 60 years. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany, and the USA.  Responsibilities as a Training Co-ordinator:·        Creation and Maintenance of templates for manuals, presentations and SCORM compliant e-learning packages for external training.·        Preparation and delivery of training.·        Creation and design of SCORM compliant e-learning material using iSpring authoring tool.·        Administration and maintenance of the learning management system Moodle.·        Liasing with the video production company and updating external training videos – bot generic & study specific.·        Communicating training updates with the appropriate project management teams.·        Liaising with the video production company and updating external training videos – both generic and study-specific.·        Monitoring the effectiveness of external training on a study level.·        Providing regular reports to management on external training activity.·        Identifying areas for improvement in our external training services.·        Other responsibilities required for training services as determined by the Training Manager. Essential Requirements as a Training Co-Ordinator:·        Ability to use Microsoft packages, including Word, Power Point, Excel and Outlook.·        Development of learning materials (e.g. manuals, presentations)·        Ability to create e-learning modules and packages.·        Delivering training.·        Excellent Written English communication.·        E-learning design and learning management system operation·        Maths and English GCSE A-C (or equivalent) The following experience would be advantageous but not essential:·        Knowledge of Videopads video editing software.·        Reporting of data and metrics to management.·        Knowledge of Moodle learning management system.·        Knowledge of iSpring authoring tool.·        Understanding Medical and clinical trials terminology.·        Understanding of clinical trials.·        Reporting of data and metrics to management.·        Medical communications (written).·        Undergraduate degree.

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