Tray Handler

We currently have the following vacancy:Tray Handler – MoyJob Role:· Offloading crates at Moy Dry Goods Store.· De-clutter of crates (removing cards / labels etc).· Segregation of dirty crates (to go to crate wash).· Build de-cluttered crates onto pallets and wrap securely.· Assist in putting de-cluttered crates away.· Load de-cluttered crates onto trailers.· Any other duties deemed necessary by the Moy Stores Controller or Moy Stores Co-ordinator.Requirements:· No experience required, as full training will be given.· Excellent communication, and a good standard of English.· Reliability & Good Time keeping are essential.· The ability to work as part of a team· Flexible approach to working hours is essential.This job will be based in a dry working environment, at our Bulk Packaging Storage Facility at Charlemont Industrial Estate, Moy.Hours – Monday to Friday 7:30am- 4pm.Occasional overtime may be required.For further information please contact:Email:  Abp Linden Foods is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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