Travel Consultant (Inverurie)

Join the team at our Inverurie store! We are an award-winning agency, that takes pride in the services we offer and the people we hire. Although we are a highly successful company, the secret to our success is taking care of our employees and treating everyone like an individual rather than a number!  We are looking for inspiring and motivated travel consultants to help build our award-winning business. You must be passionate about travel, clued up on customer service, and driven to be the best. Location: InverurieHours: Full-timeExperience, Qualities, & SkillsHave at least 2 years’ experience working in the travel industry and possess good knowledge of travel websites and booking systems.Prove that you are sales-driven and have a passion for delivering excellent customer service.Be able to communicate confidently and effectively in both telesales and in-store.Be able to tailor-make holidays to fit customer requirements when necessary.Have a proven track record in achieving sales and profit targets.And be a team player. We can offer youCompetitive base salary, with an excellent bonus scheme.Coaching to assist you in achieving your full potential.Company perks including staff discounts on your own holidays and discounted gym memberships.Pension scheme. Why not apply today?

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