Transport Coordinator - Portarlington

Founded in Ireland in 2002, Fastway are Ireland’s leading independent delivery network, handling over 24 million parcels annually, as the delivery partner to over 7,000 Domestic and International clients. Offering a diverse portfolio of flexible delivery, returns, including label-less returns, click & collect, e-commerce, and logistic business solutions, nationwide, and internationally.  Due to continued growth, Fastway is seeking an experienced Transport Coordinator to join our dedicated team, in our International Hub in Portarlington. The successful candidate will be joining an experienced, skilled, and dedicated team who strive to provide excellent service to our clients, and parcel receivers alike. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for helping others, strong communication skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. If you are interested in a rewarding career in our operations, with ample opportunity for growth, and want to be a part of a dynamic and supportive team, then we encourage you to apply today.  Key Responsibilities:                                                        Direct contact with consignees by email or phone to plan and arrange deliveries and collections. Delivery route splitting and scheduling. Use GPS to track truck locations to monitor drivers and find efficient routes. Act as the first port of call for drivers. Delivery quality checking. Liaising with drivers in various locations. Dealing with queries from retailers surrounding delivery details, ETAs, PODs, etc. Supply clear and concise info to depot team to allow them pick accurately. Reconcile data sent by retailer vs what we see. Supply relevant performance reports. Review van productivity. Schedule regular vehicle servicingDocument driver concerns and driver policy violations.   Key Experience:Previous experience in a transport/logistics role desirableHigh level of proficiency on the Microsoft Office suite with focus on Outlook and Excel. Good level of understanding of mobiles/mobile applications Good geographical knowledge of Ireland and Northern Ireland (mainly Republic) Good level of English Works well under pressure Good communication skills with colleague and customers Comply with company H&S guidelines at all times ensuring that H&S legislation is followed at every touch point. Flexible approach to the working week as start & finish times may differ.  Hours of WorkJob Types: Full-time, Permanent Benefits:On-site parkingWellness programBike to work SchemePositive Career Progression Schedule:8am-5pmMonday – FridayJob Types: ·      Full-time, PermanentWork authorisation:Ireland (required) #FAST1 

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