Learning & Development Specialist

Are you a training and development superstar? Yes? Well then have a look at this!Working with 400 amazing colleagues, we’d like you to design and deliver the highest quality learning solutions across the business, from need-to-do to great-to-do and everything in between.You will be based on site at our new support office in Fonthill Business Park, Dublin 22.A few of the “must haves”:You’re energetic, curious and passionate about continuous improvementYour experience, drive and passion for learning solutions empowers you to work unsupervised and proactively You’ve full flexibility to travel to all of our stores in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Galway & KilkennyYou’re a wizard with MS Office and can bring a training session to lifeYou know how to examine data and trends to create solutionsYou’re a storyteller, a good listener, a great presenter and an engaging hostYou’ve done this before in a large retail org and you grasp the multisite pieceIf you can give us that, we can give you this:A fab office space – lots of parking, cool canteen, plenty of meeting room space, and a relaxing break out areaFlexible hoursCareer & skill developmentEmployee discount 30%Refer-a-Friend reward Additional annual leave for length of service Service awardsAnnual eventsBirthday cakeAs well as the opportunity to work with really amazing colleagues!

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