Trainee Plant Manager Development Programme

Concrete + Aggregate Products – Kilfeacle, co.Tipperary Want to Build your Career? Kilsaran is looking for talented individuals to join our Trainee Manager Development Programme. We have an exciting opportunity for candidates who are motivated, passionate, and driven to help us meet future challenges. We offer candidates the opportunity to join our organisation as a Trainee Manager (Concrete and Aggregates business unit). The position is based at our Kilfeacle Plant in Co.Tipperary and will provide the right candidates with a management pathway to build a career within Kilsaran.Whilst completing our Trainee Manager Development Programme you will be given the opportunity to learn via a blend of practical and personal development experiences such as:·       On the Job learning focused on Kilsaran processes and activities that you will experience and actively participate within.·       Process area and system workshops·       Tailored learning though internal or external resources·       Project Work Responsibilities:On successful completion of your Development Programme you will be assigned full ownership of a location. At that point your main areas of responsibility will include:·       Maintain the highest standard of safety in all we do·       Oversee efficient plant operations from production to dispatch working closely with Regional Ops Development lead.·       Planning and management of all maintenance activities, developing a full understanding of plant processes and equipment standards and operation.·       Maintain the highest technical and quality standards, working closely with the Regional Technical Manager and field technicians·       Ensure the plant maintains the required stock inventories (raw materials, machinery/vehicle parts, etc.)·       Manage location production team/drivers, working closely with the Area Ops Manager on staffing/HR matters.·       Coordinate and reinforce daily plant inspections, safety meetings and toolbox talks, working closely with Regional H&S and Logistics Compliance Manager.·       Control location procurement management·       Develop a full understanding on the management of company truck earnings and maintain fleet standards.·       Work closely with Shipping team and Logistics Manager·       Develop a strong working relationship with the Technical, Safety, Operations Managers and Sales & Account Managers/Customers·       Perform month-end inventory process, working closely with Regional Finance team·       Manage (Cash On Delivery) CODs and ensure compliancy with internal auditsSkills Required:·       Experience in first line management at a supervisory or team lead level or a third level graduate seeking a management pathway·       Willingness to engage with the training/development/educational tools provided by the company to expand your understanding of the products/processes/end-uses or Kilsaran produced products·       Experience within the manufacturing or concrete products sectors is a bonus but not a requirement  What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive Base Salary·       KPI Based Bonus·       Defined Contribution Pension Scheme·       VHI Healthcare Contribution·       Company Vehicle, Laptop, Mobile·       Twenty-one Days Annual Leave Additional Benefits:·       Further Education/Training Support·       Annual Company Social Events·       Sick Pay·       Cycle to work scheme·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Paid Maternity/Paternity Leave Hiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       2 round interview process (1st Round can be completed via MS Teams where necessary)·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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