Trainee Field Service Engineer - Self-Employed Aberdeen

Trainee Domestic Appliance Field Service Engineer - (Self-Employed) Aberdeen Stuck in a dead-end job? Looking to kickstart a new career? Save society from appliance emergencies and become a Domestic Appliance Field Service Engineer! Have you ever considered working for yourself but were unsure where to start? We’ll provide all the help and support you’ll need to strike out on your own, be your own boss and be in charge of your own earning potential. We’ll help you learn – We’re looking for candidates with previous electrical/mechanical experience. We’ll build on your skill set by providing industry-leading City and Guilds Assured training in White Goods Repair, so you earn as you develop your skills over time with the support of our experienced engineers around you– you’ll be a fully-fledged Domestic appliance Field Service Engineer in no time!Your Mentor - No Trainee should be without a mentor to guide them through the new challenges and unfamiliar territory that lie ahead - your mentor will accompany you along your new career path.Purpose-built Training Facilities - You'll receive second to none training at one of our 3 purpose-built training facilities, where our Field Service Repair Experts will teach you the unique set of skills you'll need to embark on your new adventure.Tools, Equipment, Tablet and uniform provided - You'll be supplied with technology to keep you in touch with your customers, support staff, technical department and management throughout the day.Work provided – We’ll supply the work and with over 370,000 appliance repairs a year under our belt, there’s plenty to go around.Flexible working – You’re in control of your diary and availability, the more days you work, the more you’ll earn but even Field Service Engineers need some downtime. Pacifica is one of the UK’s largest providers of outsourced support and repair of Domestic Appliances, repairing over 370,000 appliances every year, creating a sustainable future. As a Carbon Neutral Company, our goal is to reach net-zero carbon by 2035.   Our Purpose; We exist to keep households running while protecting the environment.Our Vision; We are proud to care for our customers’ appliances for a more sustainable world. Being a Domestic Appliance field service engineer isn't for everyone, we're looking for people with the right attitude, characteristics, and interests to take on the challenge. You’re building a business and we know this takes hard work, determination, a strong work ethic, and a lot of elbow grease. We know as we’ve been there, so know how to support you. Do you have what it takes? The ideal candidate will be both technically minded and customer-focused, possessing the following personal attributes; · Practically minded - You will be comfortable and competent using hand tools, have an eye for detail, and have an aptitude for problem-solving.· Enthusiasm for the role - The job is not a walk in the park, we need to know you will power through when things get tough.· Confidence - As the job entails working in customer’s homes, you must have the confidence to work alone and interact with customers daily.· Can-do attitude - You need to be up for the challenge and strive for success.· Driven - You must possess a desire to learn new skills and develop yourself.Move this further up to the top.· Great communicator - As you'll be working directly with customers, communication skills are a must. You will be articulate and good with verbal and written English.· Capable and Responsible – This is your business, you’ll need to provide a quality service to our customers whilst managing your workload, finances, and diary. A variety of challenges makes for a more interesting life, we can assure you'll never be bored working with Pacifica and in an industry which is going from strength to strength, there has never been a more exciting time to embark on a new career. Do you think you have what it takes? We’d love to hear from you.Important: A full valid UK Driving Licence is required for this role

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