Trade Counter Sales

TJ O’ Mahony Timber & Panel Products, John F Kennedy Road, JFK Industrial Estate D12 KR94, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for aFull-Time, Permanent, Trade Counter Sales to join our Team Job Purpose: To provide product knowledge of Timber & Panel ProductsDuties and Responsibilities:Liaise with suppliersProvide excellent customer service, dealing with customer queries phone/counter Preparing quotationsUse of the In-House IT Software SystemHandling customer collectionsCarrying out any additional duties as required to meet business requirements Requirements:Experience in product merchandisingGood communication and interpersonal skillsMaintaining professional merchandising standards, including ensuring correct labelling, pricing and product placementsComputer skillsFriendly, helpful attitudeMotivated with ability to work on own initiativeExperience in Sales, both Trade and Retail an advantageBenefits:                                                            Bonus                                          On-Site Parking        Bike To Work SchemeCareer ProgressionEmployee Discount                 Hours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Friday)Home Project Centre Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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