Tour Co-ordinator

Job Title: Tour CoordinatorCompany: City Wonders Ltd. Location: Rome, Italy Job Type: Full time, 40 hours per week.Your new adventure begins! City Wonders is a leading, award-winning tour operator based in Rome, known for providing guided tours to travelers seeking an authentic Italian experience. We specialize in expertly crafted tours of Rome’s iconic landmarks, delivering extraordinary experiences with a focus on history, art, and culture. We are currently looking for passionate and hard-working Tour Coordinators to join our growing team. As a Tour Coordinator, you will be responsible for welcoming and assisting guests and managing our meeting points for guided tours of Rome’s most iconic landmarks, ensuring exceptional customer experiences, and fostering a high level of satisfaction among our travelers that is reflective of City Wonders’ world-class standards. What will you be responsible for in City Wonders? Provide an excellent level of customer care at our tour meeting points, listening to guests’ queries and assisting them with any request they may have. Work closely with City Wonders guides and Tour leaders to aid them in ensuring a smooth and punctual start to the tour.Responsible for signing in guests and creating groups ready to be assigned to City Wonders guides and Tour Leaders.Manage, collect and distribute venue tickets amongst guests and guides. Interact with customers and address their questions, concerns, and needs in a friendly and professional manner.Filling out tour report and escalating issues in a timely manner.Work collaboratively with colleagues across functional and geographic boundaries.Have you got the City Wonders skills and fit?·      An upbeat and positive mentality is essential, first impressions count, and our coordinators are usually the first interaction the customer has with City Wonders.·      A good level of English is essential (additional languages are a plus) with excellent verbal communication skills.·      Some knowledge of the city and its surrounding regions, including popular tourist destinations, historical landmarks, and local customs.·      Ability to provide quick solutions to operational problems that may occur.·      Strong organizational and time management skills to ensure smooth operation of tours.·      Ability to work in a team and foster team spirit.·      Basic understanding of back office/CRM as a plus.·      Exceptional customer service skills with a positive and friendly attitude are essential.·      Flexibility to work weekends and holidays as required.What can City Wonders provide its Tour Coordinators with?·      6-month contract with a competitive salary.·      Training and development opportunities to enhance your customer care skills.·      The opportunity to work with a dynamic and multicultural team.·      The chance to meet and look after guests from all over the world. How to apply:If you’re passionate about Rome with a strong desire to work in travel and tourism, we want to hear from you! Please submit your resume, detailing relevant info about your experience and any language skills. 

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