Thermal Processing Technolgists

C&D Foods is one of Europe’s leading Own Label Petfood manufacturers producing a range of Wet and Dry Petfoods. Founded in 1969, and now part of The APB Food Group, C & D Foods has grown to become one of the industry’s leading pet food producers. C&D Foods has 7 production facilities across 6 Countries (Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK) and 2 sales offices (Germany and Italy). C&D Foods’ Head Office is in Mullingar, County Westmeath. Turnover is in excess of €300 million.C & D Foods have an exciting opportunity for a Thermal Processing Technologists to join our team. This role will be based in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford.C & D Foods Edgeworthstown recently announced the news of a €48 million expansion to the facility with an increase to capacity by 25%. With key works having commenced on this project, the Thermal Processing Technologists will report to the Quality Manager and will work closely with on the validation of retorts along with objectives listed below:Primary Objectives: 1.    Thermal Processing Pouch:•      Validation of Retorts: 21 retorts frequency every 3 years, including micro testing.•      Routine Heat Penetrations, 20 + product groups annually.•      Temperature Distributions following a fault and as part of Validation.•      Heat Penetration for any trials and new product launches.•      Heat Penetrations following any breakdowns/faults.•      Investigation of Isolated Stock on Q.C. Hold due to Retort issues.•      Micro testing annually per Retort Cycle (100g,150g, 300g)•      Micro testing on cooling water annually.•      Liaise with “Steriflow” on Retort issues.•      Liaise with “Elab” on validation equipment (data loggers).•      Training of Retort Operators.•      Annual refresher training OF Retort Operators.•      Maintaining procedures and related records. 2.    Raw Material Supplier NCRs for all ingredients:•      Raise and close out NCR reports with Suppliers.•      Trend supplier NCR’s.•      Communicate issues to relevant C&D staff.•      Issues credit notes to accounts. 3.    Quality Supervisor Plate Freeze: ·        Trending of Raw Material issues.·        Daily GMP audit, with reporting to Supervisors and Area Manager·        Weekly Glass & Hard Plastic audit.·        Weekly Fabrication audit, update of register and leasing with Engineering Dept. to agree completion and close outs.·        Leading close out of any non-conformances from BRC or Third party audits.·        Ensure SOPs and Procedures for Plate Freezing are in line with BRC/IFS and retailer requirements & COPS (Codes of practice)·        Member of HACCP Team, ensuring compliance within area.·        Any additional projects around Continuous Improvement.  4.    Communicating any issues at the daily production meeting.5.    Preparation and Logging of weekly external water test results.6.    Cover Quality Co-ordinator role in relation to temporary instructions and customer complaints.7.    Work closely other members of the Quality Dept to achieve the Key quality Objectives of the site. 8.    Develop Site Quality KPI’s.  9.    Track Quality performance for the Site.10. Member of Internal Audit, Traceability and HACCP Teams.11. Facilitate root cause analysis programmes and perform GAP analysis.12. Assist the QM in working with site training officer to ensure compliance and effectiveness of training programme. Secondary Role Objectives:1.    To coordinate projects for the business improvement programmes.2.    To participate in LEAN and continuous improvement training as directed.3.    To work with all areas of the business to assist quality improvement.4.    To ensure corrective actions are embedded within all areas of the business.5.    To prepare for and participate in Food Safety Culture events on site.Personal Competencies & Qualifications:·        Third level qualification in Food Science or Quality Management.·        Ideally 3-4 years’ experience in a food manufacturing environment, with Thermal Processing experience.·        Demonstrated numerical ability to record, interpret and analyse key process data.·        Excellent interpersonal skills and a desire to drive continuous improvement.·        A high level computer literacy and competency – Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project. ·        Ideally some experience in the development and management of quality systems in a regulated environment, including process management principles, document control and approval, internal audit, and continual improvement.·        A willingness to travel to our other sites throughout Europe as and when required.  

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