Theatre Staff Nurse

Overview of RoleTo work as a member of a team of nurses in the UPMC Whitfield Hospital theatre department providing high quality, patient centred care for patients and their families.To develop and maintain good relationships with all members of the multi-disciplinary team and to work closely with nursing colleagues developing innovative practice within the unit delivering evidence-based care.The theatre nurse will be expected to assist in a wide range of specialities e.g. orthopaedic, general, ophthalmology, gynae, ENT, pain management, urology, vascular.Assistance may also be provided to anaesthetic and PACU.To develop specialist knowledge of nursing practice relating to his/her clinical area.Duties & ResponsibilitiesClinical:Ensure the delivery of the highest possible standard of care to all patients.Act as preceptor to pre-registration students, mentor new clinical staff and new non-clinical staff. Support and guide all colleagues when needed.Liaise with link lecturers from affiliated nurse education departments with particular regard to developing and maintaining UPMC Whitfield Hospital as a recognised learning environment for student nurses.Develop and maintain effective communication and interpersonal relationships with all members of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure a good team spirit and collaborative working practices.Support the clinical nurse manager by meeting agreed responsibilities as set out by the Assistant Director of Nursing or the Director of Nursing at any time.Identify and discuss nursing/patient needs with consultants/nursing team, multidisciplinary team, patients, and carers.Ensure that the highest possible standards of patient care and patient safety are maintained at all times.Maintain high standards of communication, both written and verbal at all times. Have a working knowledge of all NMBI publications to include the Scope of Practice Framework and Code of Professional Misconduct.Maintain own professional registration and submit to HR department for verification yearly.Develop and maintain a high level of knowledge of the following and always practice within the guidelines and policies written at both unit and hospital level:-Clinical risk reporting policy-Occupational Health-Facilities Management-Patient Moving and Handling-Resuscitation / Basic Life Support-Health and SafetyQuality & Audit:Participate and lead as required in clinical audit and research activity within the field, promoting a positive attitude towards the implementation of evidence- based practice.Undertake research/ clinical audit as necessary, critically analyse and provide written reports of the same.Participate in local audits in preparation for annual accreditation.Work closely with the Quality and Patient Safety team, ensuring the department is meeting accreditation standards at all times. Health and Safety:To uphold UPMC Whitfield Hospital’s policy requirements in relation to Fire, Infection Control, Radiation Safety and Health and Safety at work regulations and to attend updates.Identify potential risks for all staff, patients and visitors and adhere to relevant incident reporting procedures.To observe a general duty of care for the health, safety and well-being of self, work colleagues, visitors and patients within the hospital, in addition to any specific risk management associated with this post. Professional / Education:Develop the necessary skills to enable you to act as shift co-ordinator /Team Leader. This will include the assessment and allocation of workload to maintain patient and staff safety at all times.Manage your workload appropriately to ensure that patient care needs are met, and that you and your colleagues are able to take an allocated break.Develop appropriate IT skills to enable you to work in an efficient manner within the clinical environment and have a working knowledge of Isoft.Continually risk assesses the theatre environment to ensure the safety of all patients, relatives and staff members. Report any accidents, incidents or complaints according to UPMC Whitfield Hospital Guidelines and Policies.Practice and demonstrate research based nursing care, maintaining personal and professional development.Undertake any specific training required to perform your role e.g. use of equipment, administration of specialist medication.  Qualifications & Experience  Be a registered general nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).At least two year’s post-registration theatre experience is essential.Evidence of ongoing CPD.Holding a relevant theatre qualification is desirable.UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.At UPMC we provide a total rewards program that is not only market competitive, but fair and provides growth opportunities for all our colleagues.Compensation – Competitive pay for the work employees do – base pay, performance related pay and premium pay where applicable.Benefits – Fully paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Competitive Pension Plan, company funded Death in Service Benefit x 3 times. Critical Illness cover for all employees up to the age of 66.Performance and Recognition – Rewards for performance that supports the goals and mission of UPMC through our annual ACES programme.Work-Life Balance – Enhanced annual leave up to a maximum of 27 days. Flexible working opportunities to support you to work around external family commitments.Development and Career Opportunities – Opportunities for each employee to reach their career goals through continued learning and/or advancement.About UPMC   A $26 billion healthcare provider and insurer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based UPMC is inventing new models of patient-centred, cost-effective, accountable care. Working in close collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, UPMC shares its clinical, managerial and technological skills worldwide through its innovation and commercialisation arm, UPMC Enterprises, and through UPMC International.Providing high-quality healthcare in the South East since 2006, UPMC’s operations in Ireland now include UPMC Whitfield Hospital in Waterford, UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin, UPMC Kildare Hospital in Clane and UPMC Aut Even Hospital in Kilkenny. Outpatient care is available at the UPMC Carlow Outreach Centre, UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre radiotherapy locations at UPMC Whitfield and in Cork, the UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at SETU Arena, Waterford, TUS Moylish Campus, Limerick, TUS Thurles Campus, Tipperary, and the UPMC Concussion Network. The UPMC Institute for Health is located in Mayo and the Global Technology Operation Centre is based in Kilkenny. UPMC is the Official Healthcare Partner of the GAA and GPA. 

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