EHR system Testing Co-Ordinator

Mater Private Network are looking for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) Testing Coordinator who will focus on application & integration testing. This role will facilitate testing between end users, application analysts, and Subject Matter Experts and ensure key milestones are met within the Perl Programme testing life cycle. Within the remit of this position is application testing (within the Perl EHR product itself), interface testing (bidirectional interfaces between Perl and 3rd party vendors), and device testing (point of care devices that are interfaced to the Perl software).  This role does not require previous experience with Meditech Expanse (MPN’s chosen EHR vendor), however, it would be greatly valued. This position requires a candidate who has previous testing experience within the scope of a large-scale ERP/EHR implementation and understands quality assurance. This role coordinates testing for the Perl EHR and related integrations with regards to third party applications and outside organizations for upgrades, projects, and enhancements to the Perl EHR and related products. Responsible for coordinating testing sessions, gathering test scripts and developing and updating structured documentation. Will facilitate meetings as needed.   Position Key Accountabilities:1.     Assists in testing coordination of the Perl EHR system including: a.     Gathering requirements b.     The development of test scripts. c.      Test Execution d.     Documentation e.     Reporting 2.     Assists in the planning and execution of testing, including coordination with third party systems and outside organizations 3.     Assists with coordinating with internal resources and third parties/vendors for on-time completion of testing deliverables 4.     Assists with the identification, documentation and resolution of testing defects to ensure that issues encountered while testing are resolved on time 5.     Performs other duties as assigned. Certification/Skills:•   Dependable team member who is self-motivated, energetic, a good collaborator, great at troubleshooting, has an affinity to testing/QA and technology and enjoys a fast-paced environment.  •   Detail oriented, skilled in the Microsoft Office suite, excellent communication skills, both oral and written, able to work under tight time frames, multi-task, prioritize and complete duties in a timely manner.  •   Good reasoning capabilities.  MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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