Tenant Engagement Coordinator

JOB SUMMARY:The post requires excellent planning and organisational skills, administration skills and dedication to detail and a willingness to adapt to ever changing conditions and pressures will be required.  KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Tenant ParticipationTo assist in the development and implementation of Tenant Engagement and Communication Strategy for the Association.To provide support to Housing Association staff and tenants in the delivery of effective Tenant Engagement Strategy.Undertake reviews of Tenant Engagement Structures and Strategies.To provide ongoing support to the Housing Service Coordinators as part of a “consultancy” package.Sustain and develop new partnership arrangements with other 3rd parties to promote inclusive communities.To assist in the preparation of tenders/proposals (including costings)Develop and deliver Mystery Shopping, Customer Journey Mapping and Tenant Led scheme Inspection exercises, including the provision of reports and recommendations.Research, develop, coordinate, and deliver “bespoke” training for Housing Association staff, relating to tenant engagement.Actively research new and innovative approaches on tenant involvement. Empowering TenantsCoordinate an annual programme of meetings and “how to do it” sessions for Tenant Participation Practitioners Network (PPN).Liaise with Finance to monitor the Tenant Engagement Budget and to process invoices and to monitor payments.Represent Tuath Housing at conferences, meetings, network events in relation to Housing Associations and Tenant Engagement. Deliver presentations on behalf of Tuath Housing relating to Tenant Engagement.Provide input into the Strategic and Operational Business plans for Tenant Engagement.Provide a support and facilitations to other departments.Provide detailed reports to line Manager and Director.  Communication & MarketingKeep Tuath Housings website populated with up-to-date information relating to Tenant Engagement.Provide social media information.Compose/Contribute to internal and external publications when requiredProvide statistical data, information, and testimonials for annual report.  GeneralMaintain an accurate up to date and detailed record of work in a format which will not only facilitate supervision by the Housing Manager but will be an aid to continual evaluation and monitoring.To hold regular meetings with Housing Manager to discuss objectives and progress.Attend regular team meetings to ensure all staff are kept informed of progress.Undertake training as and when required.Maintain an accurate up to date record of work and initiatives.Undertake such other reasonable duties as may from time to time be required.   Corporate ResponsibilitiesTo positively promote the Association in all activitiesAdhere to all Tuath’s policies and procedures alwaysTo be aware and act in accordance with Tuath’s Health and Safety Policy.Complete reports/ submissions for Tuath’s Board meetingsTo undertake any training courses deemed necessary for your role if it evolvesEssential RequirementsThird Level qualification preferably in the area of community development or housing management OR at least 2 recent years relevant experience in Community Development WorkExperience of working with the public in a customer-oriented environment Experience of community workExperience of core housing management tasks (allocations, resident’s associations, tenancy management) (Desirable)Computer literacy with experience that includes word-processing, spreadsheets, presentation packages, e-mail, electronic schedulers and internet. Knowledge of statutory bodies and relevant legislationsKnowledge of available funding streams for community development.Digital and social media experienceKnowledge of tenant participation and associated activitiesPossess good verbal and written communication skills, have the ability to compose letters, memos and reports Ability to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and also be part of a team The ability to handle sensitive and confidential information The ability to deal with problems/enquires in a diplomatic and sensitive manner A high level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlines Possess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused serviceWillingness to work outside normal office hours on occasions Full, clean driving licence and daily use of car. Where prevented from this due to a disability the candidate must be able to demonstrate how they will meet the mobility requirements of the post   This job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review in the light of developments.

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