Telecoms Sales Specialist

Telecoms Sales Specialist  Salary: up to £23,000 OTE £35,000 depending on experience.Hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm plus minimum of one Saturday a month on a rota basis between the hours of 9:00am – 1:00pm.Location: Horsham, West Sussex. Office based. Who are we?Home Telecom is a leading broadband provider covering all of the UK and backed by TalkTalk. Working closely with over 4000 letting & estate agents. Run by Telecom Acquisitions, this exciting role offers the opportunity to work in our residential business and represent several major brands including Home Telecom, Fleur Telecom and Eclipse Broadband.  We offer residential tenants flexible broadband, mobile sim, energy & Sky TV as well as Council Tax and Water service set up. We support over 150,000 homes across the UK on a monthly basis for their internet connectivity. Our Trustpilot ratings sit proudly at 4.5/5 stars which is a demonstration of the levels of service and care we provide to our customers. What benefits will you receive?·        Uncapped commission scheme·        50% off our Broadband & Utility packages, completely free after two years·        33 days holiday allowance including bank holidays·        5 additional days leave granted based upon length of service·        £250 Bright Ideas Scheme and £1000 refer a friend scheme·        Kudos Employee Recognition Scheme – including trips abroad·         Buy & Sell holiday allowance scheme What are we looking for?We are currently looking for driven, enthusiastic, ambitious, Telecoms Sales Specialist to join our fantastic team in our Horsham office. Furthermore, the potential for growth and development within the business is substantial. We are very proud to provide a vast variety of telephony-based solutions to a number of businesses and clients throughout the UK. Although you will be proudly joining the residential side of the business, the potential for growth is huge and actively promoted. Could this be the beginning of your technology-based future.What will you be doing? ·        To interact on a day to day basis with our Residential customer base providing excellent customer service and sales knowledge (these are warm leads)·        Being able to engage with customers to secure the closure of broadband and energy sales·        Providing beyond and above service to our customers at all times·        Being able to manage your own KPI’s and targets to ensure that these are met·        Working as part of a team to ensure that all team targets are met·        Being able to provide customers with excellent product knowledge to secure a sale·        Updating CRM systems with any relevant informationWhat do we need from you? ·        Confident and professional on the phone·        Friendly and able to build relationships·        Competitive – with a driven nature·        Self-motivated with a positive attitude·        Target driven·        Open to learning new skills·        Ability to work well within a team·        A self-motivator For further details, please contact our in-house recruitment team either by email: or by telephone on 01403 272910.    

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