Technology Trainer (Part-Time)

Organisation Overview: Vision Ireland is a leading charity dedicated to supporting individuals with sight loss. We provide a range of services, resources, and advocacy to empower visually impaired individuals to live independently and engage fully in society. Position Overview: Location : This role will be based between two sites -  Vision Ireland’s Cork and Kerry offices. Working hours: 22.2 hours per week (3 days). This is a permanent, part time position.  Reporting to: Technology Training Manager The Technology Trainer will be responsible for delivering high-quality training sessions to individuals with sight loss, enabling them to effectively use assistive technologies.  Working as part of the Vision Ireland Labs Technology Team, this role involves conducting technology training needs assessments, creating training materials, conducting one-on-one and group sessions, and providing ongoing support and advice to ensure the technology users are confident and proficient in using technology to enhance their independence and quality of life. The technology trainer will also support local staff teams with training and support of their technology.   Key Responsibilities: Training Delivery: Conduct assessments to understand the technology needs and skill levels of clients. Design and deliver personalised training sessions on various assistive technologies, including screen readers, magnification software, braille displays, and other adaptive devices. Provide group workshops and training sessions on commonly used assistive technologies. Material Development: Develop and update training materials, manuals, and user guides tailored to the needs of individuals with sight loss. Create accessible and easy-to-understand resources to support independent learning. Support and Troubleshooting: Offer ongoing support to clients, addressing any issues or challenges they encounter with their assistive technologies. Provide remote assistance and troubleshooting as needed. Outreach and Advocacy: Collaborate with other departments to promote the use of assistive technology among the charity’s clients. Advocate for the benefits and availability of assistive technologies in various forums and events. Documentation and Reporting: Maintain accurate records of training sessions, client progress, and feedback. Prepare regular reports on training outcomes and client satisfaction. Professional Development: Stay updated with the latest advancements in assistive technology and continuously improve training methods. Attend relevant workshops, conferences, and training programs. Above responsibilities reflect the current business requirements and may be subject to amendment to meet the changing needs of the business. Qualifications: Education and Experience: A degree in education, information technology, rehabilitation, or a related field is an advantage. Experience working with individuals with sight loss or other disabilities. Proficiency in using and teaching various assistive technologies. Knowledge of Learning Management Systems  Skills and Abilities: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Strong problem-solving abilities and patience. Ability to adapt teaching methods to meet diverse learning styles and needs. Proficiency in assistive technologies such as JAWS, NVDA, ZoomText, VoiceOver, and others. Strong organisational and time-management skills. Personal Attributes: Empathy and understanding towards individuals with sight loss. Passion for technology and its potential to improve lives. Commitment to the mission and values of Vision Ireland. Additional Requirements: Ability to travel to different locations for training sessions if required. Garda Vetting Required Garda Vetting will be conducted for the recommended candidate as part of the selection process for the post in accordance with the Vision Ireland Garda Vetting policy.  Informal enquiries by email only to Vision Ireland  is an equal opportunities employer.   Accessibility, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Vision Ireland is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is afforded equality of opportunity. It is our policy to recognise people as a key resource required for successful attainment of the organisation’s mission. In support of this, it is important to remember that differences between people, whether devised from their different backgrounds and personalities, cultures and/or their different abilities, can be a source of strength to the organisation.   We welcome, encourage, and embrace people of all backgrounds, to include those with disabilities, accessibility plays a huge part of ensuring that the needs of all our employees and service users, can access our systems and services, with ease and respect, in a supportive environment, enabling all to effectively engage our services and achieve our goals whether they are an applicant for employment or an employee requiring special facilitation.   

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