
Role Definition:The NPD Technologist will be responsible for supporting the Junior NPD Manager on the concept delivery of all NPD and EPD briefs through Scope and Develop Gates and the management of the gated NPD Process from concept to launch. This involves collaborating with key stake holders/head of departments to make sure that all developed products are commercially viable and technically safe & able to be processed and meet the customer/consumer needs.Key responsibilities:•Work with the category & Commercial teams to Innovate new products and processes to maintain and grow a creative catalogue of products for the required customer base.•All newly developed products to deliver the required margin for our customers and the business.•Understand the wants and needs of both internal and external customers.•Present facts and ideas clearly and accurately to customers in a supporting role.•Manage the workload of multiple customers and prioritising requirements with guidance from the Senior NPD manager on critical path creation and meeting the required Key dates in the process.Personal specification:•Demonstrates a passion for food and a sense of creativity and flair•Has a good understanding of Food trends, and different types of food cuisines •Computer skills•Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Strong presenter•Good knowledge of the meat industry and Ready to Cook market•Good organisational skills Hours of Work:To be discussed at the interviewSalary:TBC at the interview.

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