Technician - Strain Development (FTC until May 2025)

About Us We are a team of passionate individuals, developing ground-breaking biological technologies designed to sustainably, and safely, control pests that transmit diseases and destroy crops. We do this work to improve lives and livelihoods around the world in the face of the growing threats that pests pose to human health and the global food supply.     Whilst what we do relates to developing pest control technologies, Oxitec is about people and is in service to people.      We are strongly committed to a set of values, principles, and behaviours, and foster a culture of trust, respect, creativity, and accountability. Click here to learn more, and here to read our CEO’s blog about trust and our culture.    Purpose of the Job We are seeking a highly motivated Technician to join a dynamic team dedicated to the research and development of our self-limiting technology in arthropod species that spread disease.  As one of the Oxitec team members in our new Scotland hub, you will join our strain development team and work under the direction of the Research Scientist. You will contribute to an exciting research project, working alongside our partner organisation – the Roslin Institute – to develop transformation methods and handling techniques that will streamline our strain development processes. This role requires a highly motivated individual, capable of providing technical support within a small team. Your duties will range widely from cleaning and restocking the lab, experimental execution and data collection, as directed by the research scientist. We will review applications on a rolling basis until the position is filled.  Responsibilities Join a small team (5 staff members) and assist in developing the transformation methods necessary to generate self-limiting ticks and test the resulting strains; Support the smooth running of the laboratory, as directed by the line manager, maintaining tidiness and supporting the team’s compliance to established procedures, regulations and health and safety; Tick colony maintenance for use in experiments, running experiments according to specified protocols to develop and test transgenic strains; Data collection and recording of experimental data; Provide clear communication to the line manager and the strain development team lead on experimental status;  Assist with maintaining up to date health and safety records and writing and updating SOPs and risk assessments; Provide occasional weekend support as part of a rota within the R&D team.  Skills, Experience, and Education Requirements Educated to SQA Higher or A-level standard in a scientific subject; Experience of working in a biological sciences laboratory is preferred, with arthropod rearing expertise desirable; Competency in MS Excel, Word, & PowerPoint; Clear and concise communication skills.  Behavioural Requirements Committed to and passionate about the Oxitec mission and values; Diligent and organised, with a creative approach to problem solving and the development of applied solutions; Comfortable working independently and within a team; Adaptable and flexible, thriving and being resilient in an environment of change and ambiguity; Decisive and assertive with a driven and proactive approach; Positive, humble, co-operative, and professional; Works with a sense of urgency and solves things promptly; Resilient and persistent in an innovative and constantly changing environment; Empathetic, with the ability to build effective relationships quickly; A team player who believes the success of us all depends on us working together. 

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