Technical Sales Engineer (Roles in Tanks Division and Modular Divisions)

Suretank LimitedLeading manufacturer of tanks, containers and modular units for 25+ years. Established in 1995 Suretank is headquartered and manufacturers in Ireland. Suretank operates with an integrated management system ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 plus EN 1090-1:2009 ExC2, ASME ‘U’ & ‘R’ Stamp, LR rules pressure vessel Class 2.1. Registered Electrical Contractor, IS 3217; 2013. Suretank provides Modular Solutions (OSM), Offshore Tank & Container Solutions & Bespoke Pressure Vessel Solutions to the Energy, Marine, Infrastructure & Industrial sectors. Position Description The Technical Sales Engineer will play a central role in the growth of Suretank Ltd through the achievement of group sales targets. A key function of the role will be supporting team members with the development of Company product portfolio and the engagement in business development activities. Plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between technical knowledge and sales. Positions available in Modular and Tanks divisions. Responsibilities will include: Maintain astute awareness of the full Suretank product portfolio in order to support customer requirements.  (Tank portfolio to Oil, Gas & Energy Sectors – Modular Portfolio to Data Center and Pharma industries)Working on the Sales team advising technical direction for products at the tender stage with customers. Knowledge of Nondisclosure Agreement terms and conditions.Assess customer requirements with the Engineering Department with regards to drawings and specifications for Bills of Materials in order to prepare proposals to customers.Maintain customer relations for business development activities and follow-up on proposals to customers.Negotiation of contracts experience required with regard to contract negotiation and contract lawEnhance Suretank’s reputation through the sale and delivery of strategic, profitable and innovative products and solutions.Work proactively to engage new customer base for organisation.Work with existing customers on a consultancy basis to determine/identify new opportunities by analysing their business needs and advise on changes/improvements to industry standards.Monitor industry sales trendsExperience and knowledge of ISO standards for ISO9001, ISO45001 and ISO40001 along with EN1090 Standards and ASME standards Requirements: Degree in a related Engineering field (Mechanical or Electrical).Minimum 3 years’ experience in an Engineering Design Office.Excellent communication skills, both oral and written, including presentation skills.Strong interpersonal skills including a proven ability to develop strong, natural and lasting connections with customers from first contact.Strong customer focus with the objective of identifying and meeting customer needs proactively and always to the highest Company quality and ISO standards.Strong computer skills, including experience of using spreadsheets and databases, including SAP Business One, compiling/issuing reports as/when requested by management.Accuracy and attention to detail demonstrated by experience of completion of tasks to a high standard.Strong organisational skills demonstrated by organising and prioritising workload, reaching previous sales targets and completing tasks to tight deadlines.A strong team player.Is proactive and shows initiative in the role. Company Benefits:Salary with excellentCompany Healthcare PlanCompany Pension SchemeCareer development opportunitiesEmployee Assistance Programme Academic assistance & Structured In-house trainingFree parking at all locations  

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