Technical Operations Coordinator/Analyst

Provincial are hiring a Technical Operations Coordinator/Analyst to join our client's Corporate Security Infrastructure Team. The culture at Provincial is one that fosters great customer focus, a sense of belonging, respect for each other and is open minded and encourages honest dialogue. Our strength as an organisation in our people. We enjoy building relationships and connections as part of a diverse team. We encourage all team members to actively demonstrate a great team ethic and contribute to team success. You can explore more about our culture, offerings and commitment to living our Core values here About the role:       This position is hybrid (Dublin, Ireland). Monday–Friday: 0900-1700hrs.   Responsibilities include:Resolve technical issues with security systems like access control, video surveillance, alarms, etc. within defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Perform maintenance, testing and upgrades to security tools and infrastructure Monitor systems for failures, alerts or performance degradations and address proactively Document all work in ticketing systems and provide reports on support provided Escalate unresolved issues to senior technical teams for further troubleshooting Maintain documentation for the systems and technology  What We Look For In YouA well-organized team player who is able to drive own learning and work with basic direction Demonstrated ability to handle highly sensitive information Effective interpersonal and time management skills Demonstrate communication skills including written and verbal Minimum 2 years of relevant experience in global security or a related field Professional fluency in English  Nice to Haves Experience with video surveillance systems (CCTV), such as configuration, troubleshooting, and incident review Knowledge of access control systems, including card reader installation and programming Familiarity with security alarm systems like intrusion detection and duress alarms Experience with security operations center (SOC) monitoring tools and standard operating procedures Understanding of cybersecurity best practices for physical security systems, such as authentication, authorization, encryption, patching, etc.  Joining Provincial Security, you will enjoy the following benefits:Industry Leading Wage PackageComprehensive Sick Pay SchemeEmployee assistance programme through Spectrum Health including counselling, advice & support lines, wellbeing and fitness resources including recipes, online workouts and podcastsContributory Wellness scheme including money back on day to day medical and dental expensesExcellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018High-quality training and coaching from talented people.A fun team culture Ambitious growth plans and great progression opportunities.Learn more here

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