Technical Manager, Buckie

Job Title: Technical ManagerSite: Low Street, Buckie        Department: TechnicalShift Pattern:  Monday to Friday with the flexibility required. ASL is currently undergoing rapid expansion, we are seeking an exceptional individual to fill the pivotal role of Technical Manager. This position offers an exciting opportunity to play a leading role in maintaining and enhancing technical and quality standards across our Buckie site.Key Responsibilities:Reporting directly to the Head of Technical, the Technical Manager will be instrumental in upholding the highest standards of technical and quality practices on site. Key responsibilities include:·      Ensuring compliance with all legal requirements related to Food Safety, Quality and Customer Requirements.·      Site lead for Food Safety, Integrity & Quality audits, including those from Customers, BRC, and Local Government authorities.·      Investigating incidents and addressing internal and external issues, providing comprehensive plans and responses to stakeholders.·      Implementing and maintaining robust due diligence systems across all sites.·      Managing, analysing, and reporting Factory Technical KPIs, encompassing Microbiology, Product, Environment and Water, Customer and Internal Non-Conformances, and Concessions.Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:To excel in this role, candidates should possess the following qualifications and experience:·      Thorough understanding of Food Safety and Hygiene Standards.·      Expertise in Technical Standards and Systems within a food manufacturing environment.·      Familiarity with our customer and supplier base, including ingredients and packaging.·      HACCP training at level 3 certification.·      Level 3 certification in Food Hygiene.·      Strong management skills, preferably supported by SVQ certification.·      Previous experience in food manufacturing, preferably in supervisory or management roles.·      Excellent communication skills across various mediums.·      Proficiency in project management, training, and mentoring.·      Competency in IT and relevant software applications.Salary Package:Remuneration will correspond with professional qualifications and industry experience.How to Apply:If you are prepared to seize this exciting opportunity, please forward your updated CV and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience and suitability for the role to recruitment@associatedseafoods.comWe thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

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